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We walked for a long time, passing by the greens here and there, passing children playing in the playing ground and adults conversing with other adults or watching their children play. We passed by older people drinking juice on a small cute table in a small cafe, and after some time we passed by some teenagers eating ice cream, conversing loudly and laughing as if there's no one else in the whole world but them. It was so refreshing and weird at the same time, we literally passed by every single age.

Eventually we reached a slightly high hill, I looked at Alexander confusingly but he didn't notice as he was walking in front of me, I look at Victor instead, who smiled at me assuringly that where we were going was nothing out of the normal.

We stood on the peak of the hill, where the sun was still glaring at us in our eyes with it's extreme brightness and heat. "We're gonna watch the sunset here, it'll be in 20 mins or so." Alexander announced.

We sat down and waited for the sun to come down while conversing all the three of us, I learned that Alexander was a year older than me.

"Victor, I forgot to actually ask you how old are you," Victor laughed hard. "I'll be 18 in 3 months, what about you?" "I'll be 18 in July, six months from now." "How cute, you're probably a fan of summer." Victor stated. "What makes you think so?" "You're not?" He asked. "What makes you think I'm not?" I asked. "Don't confuse me Marilyn, it's not that deep." He chuckled.

"He means that people who are born in summer love summer, and people who are born in winter love winter, etc.." Alexander explained and paused. "Forgive my idiotic friend for not explaining it clearly." Alexander continued, earning himself a punch in the shoulder from Victor. "Shut up man," Victor groaned.

"Is that all you have? Shut up man? Man up bro," Alexander provoked Victor, to which Victor replied to him silently by rolling his eyes and whispering something incoherent under his breath.

"You know Marilyn, You seem really shy. You gotta meet my girl Lisa sometime, she'll loosen you up in a minute," Alexander snapped his finger to over explain his point, making me laugh.

"I'd love to meet her." I replied genuinely.
"You know, let me call her, maybe you can meet her today." Alexander offered. "Sure." Alexander called Lisa and told her to meet us at the hills to which she agreed then hung up. We talked a little more until the sun started going down. We all watched in awe. I felt a presence next to me and looked to my left to find Lisa panting. I was about to say something when she put her index on her lips and shushed me. "Just watch" she smiled and looked at the sun again.

We watched the sun until it went down and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. As soon as the sun was out of sight, I was crushed into a tight hug by a soft body. I hugged the body back and was pulled away by the body only to find Lisa smiling brightly at me. "Hi! What's your name? You're so pretty!" I was in a daze but snapped immediately. "You're gorgeous yourself, I'm Marilyn. You're Lisa right?" "Oh my that's right! You're such a doll! Mwah" Lisa pulled me in for another hug and planted a loud kiss on my cheek which made me chuckle a little. I hugged her back and kissed her cheek back carefully to not leave a huge smudge lf my lipstick on her.

Meeting Lisa was so refreshing, she had the most bubbly personality ever, she was also very pretty. She had a light skin with chocolate-y brown eyes, and long black hair. She was also really tall, making her pass really easy as a model.

It was after some time of us conversing that we felt some moving. Looking around me, I saw Victor and Alexander standing up, Lisa and I stood up as well. "You do realize that you haven't even said hello to any of us right? Marilyn made you forget everything around you." Alexander teased Lisa. "You know I could never forget you." Lisa smiled and walked toward Alexander, engaging in a hug and probably kissing or something, I turned my head and looked at Victor instead, who kept maintaining eye contact with me until they were finished and finally acknowledged our presence.

"It's been fun you guys, we gotta hang out again like that sometime and bring the rest of our friends, Lisa and I are gonna go to the cinema now." Alexander said. Victor and I nodded okay. Lisa came toward me and gave me a piece of paper. "That's my number, text me so we can hangout sometime without the boys, I can introduce you to my girlfriends too, they'll adore you." "I'd love to." I smiled at Lisa. She walked back to Alexander but not before giving me an air kiss, I gave her one back and waved goodbye as she and Alexander walked away. I found it odd that Lisa gave me her number on a piece of paper like Victor. I guess there are some things in life people will never get used to.

Victor and I were the only ones left, so we walked back until I reached my street and said our goodbyes. "Let's hangout again tomorrow, I like your company." Victor said. I smiled and nodded. Going inside, I greeted my mum and dad and went to my room, slipping into my pajamas. I went into bed and pondered over the changes that happened recently. Looking at the piece of paper I put on my night stand, I kept debating whether I should text Lisa at all or not. I decided to text her tomorrow, they all took the initiatives to get to know me, the least I can do is reciprocate. Feeling my eyes slowly close, I let myself sleep in a deep, dreamless slumber.

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