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Time goes by, so slowly

For those who wait, no time to hesitate !

I walk past everyone. Crowds and crowds of people together. Friends, sibilings, lovers, or family together. I'm the only lonely one. The mall is a horrible place, it makes me lonelier 10x more.

Nevertheless, I still kept on walking aimlessly, pretending to look at shops to not look like a freak. I got inside an ice cream shop to get myself one, after paying and sitting down at their tables I started eating and eating, not looking around me at all, focusing on my ice cream as if it's the only thing that matters in the whole world and the most interesting thing to ever exist. When in reality, I'm too shy to look around me.

I threw the spoon and sat down again, this time taking a deep breath and looking up the ceiling, pondering.

Looking down again and facing reality, I blinked slowly, trying to absorb the atmosphere. Without people, the mall's atmosphere seems refreshing, almost like a break from reality.

Looking from across the table, I saw a boy sitting alone too on the table at the far corner of the ice cream shop.

He looked back and smiled at me, and unknowingly I felt myself smiling back.

Me, Myself and I Where stories live. Discover now