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Reaching the school gates, I sighed loudly before getting in, I'm pretty tired from walking in the cold so I was almost sure that I'll be falling asleep in any random class.

I went ahead and sat on the tables outside the school building, waiting for the bell to ring before going to class. I closed my eyes a little then opened them again, taking the view in front of me.

I spotted someone walking closer to me, it was Hannah. She's the only one at school whom I actually have some conversations with. She's very sweet and kind, but she has other friends who're more closer to her of course. Nevertheless she's the closest friend I have in school though.

"Hi, Marilyn!" She waves energetically and smiles. The energy she has in the morning is unbelievable. I waved back at her and smiled. "Hi, Hannah!" I tried to match my tired voice with her enthusiastic tone but failed and sounded more flat tired. Nevertheless, Hannah smiled and sat down un invited next to me.

"How are you doing?" Hannah asked, her long straight brown hair's direction moving toward me as the wind blows it. "Oh, you know, you can't be good waking up at 7 am." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh, come on! maybe waking up is tiring at first but getting up and going on with your day is something to be grateful for. After all, you're seeing another day, don't look at waking up early in that way." I smiled as Hannah babbled on about the benefits of waking up early while jumping from one topic to another. Although she took some time to get to the main point, she was right, we all should be indeed grateful enough to see another day, even if we're gonna be struggling a little. After all, someone out there could be taking their last breaths at the same time we're taking deep ones.

Me, Myself and I Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang