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I was counting the minutes left to reach school, which is something I never really do considering that school to me is a literal prison with its subjects. I was taking large steps to reach the school faster, which kind of made a difference with me indeed hurrying but almost passing out. I still went fast though, which is a victory.

I headed to the school's parking lot and called Lisa but she didn't  answer. I waited for a minute or 2 and saw her coming to the parking lot with her bike. She smiled at me and waved her right hand then frowned as she almost lost her balance and fell on her side but caught herself last minute. 

"Hi, Marilyn!" Lisa started going around me in circles with her bubbly tone and then parked her bike and locked it with a locker. She would be best friends with Hannah since she's bubbly like her, I thought to myself. 

"Hey, Lisa" I went to her and hugged her, which she returned the hug very tightly I almost felt myself crushing. Nevertheless, it was nice when it's from someone you kind of consider as a friend, although I knew nothing much about her still. 

We talked for a bit while taking a walk around the school's parking lot while stopping her and there. I found out that Victor goes to a school that is 5 minutes away from us called Sunrise. His favorite color is blue and he likes playing the drums. She also told me that they all got to know each other from a various places: Lisa and Alexander are neighbors, Lisa got to know Victor through Alexander, and Alexander got to know Victor from soccer matches. She has mentioned that they have other friends but I still haven't met them yet.

"You should meet my best friend here at school, you'll like her a lot, come on." She took my hand and strolled inside the school as if she owns it while I'm stumbling behind her until we were getting closer to a girl with long brown hair. 

"Hannah! Come meet my new friend!" Lisa yelled.

Hannah turned around in wonder but then realization struck her as her and I looker at each other. 

"Geez, Lisa. Marilyn and I have been friends since forever. Hi Marilyn!" She waved at me energetically as always.

"Hey, Hannah!!" I waved back energetically this time, thankful for my excitement from finding out that Lisa and I are in the same school that gave me this energy. 

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Do you know everyone? Oh my god" she groaned jokingly while Hannah and I laughed. The ring bell started ringing and we all sighed, preparing to separate. "See you at lunch Marilyn?" Lisa asked. "Yeah, where though?" I asked. "Just meet us at the parking lot like today." Lisa told me and I nodded, then we all separated to go to our classes. I wasn't alone as usual today, I was thankful for Lisa, I hope whatever happens next is only good. I was now excited for lunch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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