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I woke to an insane amount of messages causing my phone to vibrate intensely. I desperately wanted to throw my phone at that moment. However, I opened my eyes, squinting my eyes when I came in contact with the slight light that has somehow managed to sneak through my curtain and looked at my phone.

Finding out it was the time I was supposed to wake up at anyway, I no longer minded the heavy notifications I was getting.

Unknown: Marilyn!
Unknown: Hey!
Unknown: it's lisa!
Unknown: Lisa*
Unkown: hehe
Unknown: how are you?
Unknown: sorry for spamming you so much but I was so excited to see you yesterday
Unknown: I was supposed to wait for you to text me but honestly I couldn't so I had to ask Victor for your number
Unknown: anyway, what are you doing after school?
Unknown: if you're free, let's hang out!
Unknown: Let me know!!!

I smiled at the texts and laughed at Lisa's random way of texting.

Marilyn: Hi Lisa! I'm glad you texted me :D
Marilyn: I'm not doing anything, let's hang out for sure.
Marilyn: Where do we meet?

I woke up from bed and started doing my usual morning routine. Today I wore a black blouse laced from the sleeves, beige pants, black knee length coat, black knee length boots, and my favorite red lipstick.

Lisa: I go to Windrose school. What school do you go to? We can meet in between them.

I felt my eyes widening at her text. She goes to my school? How come I've never seen her?

Marilyn: I go to the same school!!!!!!!

Lisa: NO WAY! Let's meet today at the school's parking lot!!! I'm going there in 5 minutes, call me when you get there.

Marilyn: Ok!

Walking down the stairs hurriedly, I greeted my mum and dad enthusiastically and started pouring my milk over my cereal energetically.

"Calm down, tiger! What's with the extreme energy?" Dad asked while laughing. "I gotta meet a friend of mine at school." I replied while hurriedly eating my breakfast.

My dad squinted his eyes amusingly, "now who's this "friend" exactly?" "Lisa, dad. I got to know her yesterday." "Then who was the friend you were already going out with yesterday?" I put the cereal into the sink and looked at my dad before my mum interrupted me. "Noah, stop interrogating her. Let the girl be and let her go to school so she won't be late." My mum said softly.

"I'm just worried about her." Dad sighed. "No need to worry dad, I love you." I kissed his cheek, he patted me and I went over to my mum and kissed her cheek too. "See you guys later, I might be late for dinner by the way," I said while closing the door behind me so that I don't get interrogated any longer.

Me, Myself and I Where stories live. Discover now