Chapter 4: A Tea-Party-Like Lunch

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Blaze's dimension is the one thing I've always wanted to explore, but I never had the time because... let's just say I might get distracted by fabulous clothes in clothing stores. Especially those in Central City.

And now, thanks to Silver's advice to keep my mind off things and Blaze's encouragement, I finally end up in this place. I gotta say. Though I'm a fan of Sonic and his friends, even I have a lot to learn about this dimension.

Blaze already gave me a tour in the Imperial Palace. Their rulers are called "the Sol Empire." For generations, the royal family's dity is to protect the powerful artifact called the Jeweled Scepter. One princess in the family holds the duty to protect the Sol Emeralds. It's pretty obvious Blaze is one of the members of the royal family protecting these miracle gems. Like the Chaos Emeralds, they're not that easy to use, for it will cause destruction to the whole world if you're not careful.

We are greeted by various residents of this dimension. One including a group of koalas called the "Coconut Crew". From the Southern Island. I once heard that they helped Sonic, Tails, Blaze and Marine through their great adventures, but that time, I forgot the members' names. Seems like the group name is the only thing I know about those guys apart from their species being koalas.

Another being Gardon. Blaze's personal guard in the Imperial Palace. I manage to show a gentle and delicate attitude around him. It's taught to me by my mom. Especially when it comes to meeting Sonic and his friends. Even Shadow himself as he needs some personal space. But as soon as I try to act in a gentle-delicate way, I think Gardon wants me to act like myself. Blaze is right about one thing. He's a respectful kind of a guy.

Honestly, during the tour, I can't help but feel excited about meeting the one raccoon that keeps up my excitement, confidence and bravery. Marine. A friend of Blaze's who loves to go on adventures especially on pirate ships.

Right now, we're in the dining room having a tea-party-like lunch. I love making new friends. They're easily and quickly taught to me to connect with them by my dad. Not only my mom taught me how to be gentle and delicate, I think you know it's pretty obvious that she also taught me how to be well-mannered, warm, kind, respectful and polite.
My seat is beside Silver. Between him and Blaze is an open seat.

I take my teacup with my index and thumb finger attached to the handle. My pinky is also facing up as I do so. Then, I reach it to my lips and sip it delicately with no noise being involved. The taste of tea spreads across my tongue. This is actually my first time drinking a different flavor of tea. The only tea I manage to drink is a homemade tea made by my mom with the help of my adoptive sister, Runa. It helps calm my nerves, clear my vocal cords, keeps my brain working and it keeps me up and ready for anything.

After a small sip, I place it down. Again, in a gentle-delicate way.

"You know. I've never seen you so... well-mannered before," says Blaze as Gardon pours a little more tea in her cup.

"Oh, that's because my mom taught me so," I reply as I take another sip of tea.

"Really? Because I like you the way you are," Silver says with a friendly-enthusiastic voice.

After I remove the teacup from my lips, I place it down again as I reply again, "Of course! I really love makin' new friends! After one year of friendship lessons from my dad, he really doesn't need to teach because I already know how to make new friends!"

I hear chuckles and giggles from Blaze and Silver. Then, we all take a sip of tea at the same time. I can see that Gardon is struggling when it comes to keeping us company.

We all eat in silence until I hear Gardon asking me, "Hey, Aleyah. Can I ask you a question?"

I turn to him with a friendly smile, "Of course. What is it?"

"Can you tell me something about yourself?" he asks me.

I never really thought about telling stories. I mean, I'm am extrovert who can inform my family about my greatest experiences, but my parents taught me something about being careful with my words. Let's just say I'm not that good at it, but I know I'll manage to do that just a little bit.

In my reaction, I turn to Blaze mentally asking for confirmation. She nods in response. I then, turn to Gardon and nod at his question. "Okay. Now, sit down while I tell you a story."

Then all of a sudden, I hear a voice calling out to us, "Wait for me! I wanna hear it too!"

When I turn around, I'm filled with excitement, but I try not to show it since we're having a tea-party-like lunch. My eyes are full of a mix of excitement and enthusiasm as Marine the Raccoon appears right before them.

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