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Seraphina: I'm very mad about your pizza eating, Elaine

Elaine: Haha

Remi: Wait how did she eat it?

Blyke: Yeah now I'm curious

Seraphina: She folded it tip to crust and ate it sideways

Remi: Nooooo Elaine why

Remi: Now I'm disappointed

Isen: Aren't we all

John: I see no problem

Blyke: I-

John: Just kidding

Seraphina: Thank god

John: But what did you expect from Elaine?

Blyke: Better than that

Seraphina: Did we?

John: No

John: No, we didn't

Blyke: Hmmm ngl I did

Blyke: Because that's really low

Elaine: Wow, thanks guys

Remi: Don't you love us

Elaine: Who said I did?

John: Who said we loved you back?

*Elaine has left the chat*

*Remi added Elaine to the chat*

Elaine: Hey :(

Elaine: You're mean


Elaine: Unpopular but superior opinion: sideways pizza is less messy and therefore tastes better and is therefore superior

John: Popular opinion that's also superior: Elaine has one single braincell

Remi: Popular opinion that's more superior: John is an *sshole

John: Popular opinion that's the superiorest: Remi needs to leave Wellston, preferably via an ambulance

Remi: Popular for who though

Isen: "Superiorest"??????????

Isen: My soul hurts

Blyke: I vote we keep Remi

Blyke: All in favor say aye

Blyke: Aye

Elaine: Aye

Isen: Aye

Seraphina: Aye

John: F*ck you

Remi: Thanks guys

Remi: But not you John

Remi: Never you

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