Chapter 11 "The thought of losing You"

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Swift's POV:

Me and The others ran into The Main room and We came back from a Training Mission and Once We arrived, Both Speedy and Bea looked at Us with smiles on Their faces.

"Great Job Cadets, So Now, Go have some fun!" Said Speedy and We all cheered and We ran outside.

Bea's POV:

Once They Cadets ran to go outside-

"And Be very Car-" Said Speedy but-

"Ful..." Said Speedy and He collapse on His Chair and I giggled.


Swift's POV:

"Hey Rod, Pass The Ball!" I Said and Rod throwed The Ball over to Me, I fly up to The Sky and I caught The Ball and I looked at Brody.

"Over to You Brody!" I Said and I throwed The ball and Brody caught The ball and-

"Primo Throw, Big Bro!" Said Brody and He looked at Penny

"Ball coming Your way, Penny" Said Brody and He rolled The Ball over to Penny and Penny caught The Ball and We cheered for Penny. We continue to play with The Ball and We decided to go over to Rhonda's Lemon Shack. Once We arrived, I'm going to get Some Lemon-Coconut Waters for Us and Plus For Both Speedy and Bea because They deserve to have some too. After I told Rhonda, I turn My head and Brody throwed The ball way too hard and Rod went after The ball and-

"Oh No! That way leads straight to a Railroad tracks and The Train will come in any minute!" Said Rhonda and Me, Brody and Penny gasped and The Three of Us ran After Rod.

Rod's POV:

"A-Ha! I got You!" I Said and I hold onto The Ball and I smiled but than I heard a really loud "Honk" I looked Up and When I turn My head, I saw a huge train coming in My direction really fast and-

"ROD, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Yelled A Familiar Voice and I turn My head and I saw Swift, Brody and Penny was running into My direction and I looked at The Train and Keeps getting closer and closer and I froze out of Frightened but than I felt a hard push and I rolled and I let a pair of arms wrapped around My waist and I looked Up and I saw-

"S-Speedy?" I Asked and Speedy was catching His breath and He looked so frightened and I saw Bea with Swift, Brody and Penny and They all sigh in relief. I looked back at Speedy and I saw a-

"Speedy, You're bleeding" I Said and I saw a small cut on Speedy's cheek and-

"Don't worry about Me, Are You okay?" Asked Speedy

"Yeah, I'm alright" I Said and Speedy sigh in relief

"I-I'm sorry...I froze" I Said

"Hey, Tbe important thing is that You didn't get hurt and You're okay" Said Speedy and He gently pulled Me back Up on My feet and We walked back over to The Others. Once We did, Everyone hugged Me tightly and I smiled and-

"I'm sorry that I didn't see the train is coming and I got in the way of The Train" I Said

"It's okay, All That matters that You are safe and didn't get hurt" Said Swift and The others nodded Their heads and I smiled.

"Come on, Let's get that Face of Yours fixed Up" Said Bea and We walked back to Top Wing Academy.


Swift's POV:

Bea went to Rhonda and She said that She'll be right back, So Both Brody and Rod wanted to play Baseball inside and The Two of Them wanted Me and Penny to watch and I was taking a video and-

"Are You sure This is a good idea?" Asked Rod and He was The Catcher for The game and-

"Rod, It's just one game" Said Brody and He was The Pitcher for The game and-

"But You know if Speedy finds out that We broke something than We will definitely be dead for sure" I Said and-

"Don't worry, Nothing will bad happen" Said Brody and-

"You ready, Rod?" Asked Brody and Rod nodded His head.

Brody throwed The ball and It flew pass Rod and The ball went throw The Wall and It made a hole and I tried so hard not to laugh but I let out a few chuckles and Both Brody and Rod looked so shocked.

"Holy Shi....esh, Holy Shesh" Said Brody and-

"Hey Guys, Watcha doing?" Asked Speedy and We all looked at Him in Terror and Speedy got worried and-

"What's wrong Guys?" Asked Speedy

"Will You hate Us if We show You This?" Asked Rod

"No, Why would I hate You? Even If I see-" Said Speedy but than He saw The hole in The wall and-

"AHH!" Speedy Shriek like a girl and-

"What Happen?!" Asked Speedy and We flinched a little and-

"We...Um...I...kinda..." Said Brody and-

"Hey Guys!" Said A Familiar Voice coming into Our Direction and Speedy quickly cover The hole with His wing and He smiled innocently and We stand like We didn't know anything and-

"Hey" Said Bea and-

"Hi Bea, It's good to see Ya" I Said and Bea looked at Speedy and-

"Are You letting Our Cadets playing Ball in The house?" Asked Bea and-

"Um..." Said Speedy and He slowly removed His wing from The Hole and-

"I don't know what could possibly go wrong" Said Speedy and-

"Oh, Oh My God" Said Bea and She walked away and I let a Wheezed out and than I started to laugh.

"Sorry Bea" We Said and I keep on Laughing.

"Who's idea was This?" Asked Bea and We pointed at Speedy and-

"So, This was Your idea?" Asked Bea and Speedy chuckled nervously and Bea shook Her head and Speedy smiled innocently.


Rod's POV:

After When Bea fixed The Ball and She said that It was pretty easy to fix, I barely had anything to do Since Bea kinda looked Our Baseball stuff day for The Day and She'll give it back to Us Tomorrow. Anyways, I was looking around to see what I can do but than I saw a book and It said:

The Book of Natural Baby Making

I sit down and I took The book and I turn The page and I started read it.

(Skip Time)

Right After I read Three Pages of Where Babies/Us came from and I couldn't believe what I just read, I knew I had to let something inside of Me out, So I-

"WHAT THE F#%@?!" I Yelled and-

"HEYYY!" Bea Yelled and I covered My beak and I saw that Both Brody Speedy was trying to hold back Their laughter, I turn My head and I saw that Swift looked shocked and Penny looked confused and I smiled innocently.

End of Chapter 11 (I'm sorry for The short Chapter)

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