Chapter 28 "Mother & Daughter's Day" (Part 2)

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Penny's POV:

Today was a boring day for Me, Speedy and The Boys are out doing...something? Anyways, I was pretty board of doing a puzzle, So I decided to see what Bea was Up Too.

Once I arrived where Bea was, She was fixing Rod's Road Wing...again, Of Course Bea didn't mind one bit.

"Oh Hey, Penny" Said Bea and She sat down and-

"Let Me Guess, You are board too?" Asked Bea and I nodded My head.

"Yeesh...Tell Me about it, I love fixing broken stuff all of The Time but then again, I do need a little break" Said Bea

"Can not believe that The Boys are off doing Their thing while We are stuck here, Boys can be alot of work, Am I right?" Asked Bea and I smiled and I nodded My head.

"Wanna have another Mother and Daughter Day, Again?" Asked Bea

I smiled and I jumped Up and Down and Bea chuckled.

"I can take that as a "Yes" " Said Bea and I smiled.


Bea's POV:

Both Me and Penny walked outside and then I saw a little wooden Cart, It was big enough for Penny to fit in, I ran over to The Cart and I pushed it over to Penny and She looked at Me.

"Wanna go for a Joyride?" I Asked and Penny nodded Her head and She hoped into The Cart, I started to push Her around and I was running and Both Me and Penny laughed and giggled.


After about an hour, Both Me and Penny decided to go to The Lemon-Shack and We started to drink Our Coconut-Freezies and Penny was enjoying Herself by drinking one of Her Favorite Drinks, I just giggled because She's pretty adorable.

Anyways, We are just watching The Clouds slowly go by, Both Me and Penny thinks It's beautiful.

"Hey Penny" I Said and Penny looked at Me.

"This is Honestly a really special moment for Me, Because We are hanging out as Mother and Daughter" I Said and Bea smiled.

"You know I never had that Mother connection with My Mom because She was busying....doing Whatever She was doing for The Past Years in My Life...Which is uncool for a Child to go through that" I Said

"And I don't want that happened to You or The Boys" I Said

"Why was Your Mom like that?" Asked Penny In Sign Language

"Because...Since My Dad died...I was the only one in Her life now But...I was...probably not good enough for Her...After when My Dad died...My Mom started to believe that I was The caused for My Dad's Death...I was pretty much a Burden to Her" I Said

"My Mom started to feel Selfish...Lazy. Neglectful and pretty abusive towards Me....But deep down in My heart that She just wanted The help that She needed to order to get over My Dad's Death but She never did..." I Said

"She would drink all The Time and started to become very abusive and....She almost took My life...Three Times and I had to hide from Everyone who was curious even Speedy..." Said Bea

"But I know She still loves Me even though She always say that I am a Mistake or She hates Me and I still love Her even though She was a bad Mom in The first place..." I Said and I looked at Penny.

"My Biggest Nightmare that I might turn into My Mother and...I don't want that" I Said and I looked down but then I felt someone was wrapping Their Wings around Me and It was Penny.

"Don't believe that, I know You would never be like Her, Who You are Is Who You are, Not Your Parents, Everyone has their own Personal, Either if it's good or bad, Everyone has Their Own, Especially You, Mommy" Said Penny in Sign Language and I smiled and I kissed Her on Her forehead.

"I just don't understand why Anyone would Their own Child...Their Flesh and Blood, Why would anyone? When I looked at You Cadets...Why would Anyone would wanna hurt You...It doesn't make any sense..." I Said and Both Me and Penny smiled.


Penny had fallen asleep in My arms, So I left Her be and I watched The clouds while Penny was sleeping in My arms.

I had a couple of tears fallen down My face. I wipe Them away and-

"Hello Bea" Said A Voice and I turn My head and I saw-

"Dad? that You?" I Asked

"Guilty as charged" Said My Dad

"What are You doing here?" I Asked

"Well, I just wanted to have a little chat with My Daughter and Wanted to see My Granddaughter" Said My Dad and He looked at Penny and He smiled.

"My Goodness, She is a cutie" Said My Dad and I chuckled Softly and-

"Bea" Said My Dad

"Yeah?" I Asked

"What Your Daughter just said in Sign Language was The most smartest thing I ever heard in My life, Bea...You're Mother is going through something and I know You feel that...You're Mother doesn't mean any of Those stuff what She said or Did, She was anger because She let Anger get in The way of What's Important for Her" Said My Dad and-

"That is You, My Girl" Said My Dad

"How do You know that?" I Asked

"Honey, I know You're Mothee ever since We were little, Like around The age of 3, We grew Up Together and We were best friends But She didn't really have a great Family, Your Mother's Dad leave and Your Grandmother did The exact same thing to Your Mom" Said My Dad

"But Why is She doing the same mistake Her Mom just made?" I Asked

"Because She let anger get in The way...Give Your Mom a second chance, Everyone Deserves A Sense Chance and I know with Your Help, I know She will change one day if not then She'll learn on Her own, Just give it some time" Said My Dad

"And Please, Don't ever think that You'll become like Your Mom, You are more then Your Mom, You are better, You are The best Mom that any child could ask for" Said My Dad

"I've been watching over You and Your Cadets" Said My Dad and I smiled and-

"Oh and By The way...Tell Speedy that I didn't give Him My Blessing to let Him marry You" Said My Dad and I rolled My eyes and I smiled.

"Dad really?" I Asked

"Hey, I'm Your Dad, I have to say it" Said My Dad and We Both chuckled.

"I love You Dad" I Said

"And I love You Too, All of You" Said My Dad and He kissed Me on My forearm and He disappeared and then I realized that Penny was waking Up and She looked at Me while rubbing Her eyes.

"That was a nice nap You just took" I Said and Penny smiled and I chuckled.

"I love You Penny, Did You know that?" I Asked and Penny hugged Me.

"I love You too, Mama" Said Penny In Sign Language and I smiled and We Both hugged.


End of Chapter 28

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