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Catra POV :
I was walking around in the horde just relaxing when felt something inside me it was anger and revenge I went to my room and just sat on my bed and rubbed my hand on my stomach hoping it would go away until I heard a voice inside my head say ...

Hello Catra.

I flinched at the voice I got up from the bed to feel blood trickling down my mouth I ran to the mirror to find I have 2 read eyes

I flinched at the voice I got up from the bed to feel blood trickling down my mouth I ran to the mirror to find I have 2 read eyes

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(Pretend both of her eyes were like this and had a scar on her eye where her yellow one is supposed to be )

I look at my eyes they where red and I had a scar on the one where my yellow one is supposed to be I paced around my room and yelled a bit " What's happing to me?!? " I ran to my Mirror and when I looked it disappeared I then ran out of my room running through the horde until my face hit someone's chest it was Scorpias she then said with a smile on her face " hey wildcat ! How are you ? " I then said with a soft smile on my face "I'm fine thanks though " but when I realized what I said I said it in a deep demonic voice she looked at me confused and I cleared my throat and said "hah sorry about that " I ran past her and out of the fright zone to the one place I hate ...yep you guessed it the whispering woods I then heard the voice again say

Stop ignoring me Catra I'm just here to help...

I then said to my self " no ! Who are you !" I scratched my neck when I head a deep chuckle in my head before I knew it was was in a cave there I saw a red light I walked toward it and saw a sword

I then said to my self " no ! Who are you !" I scratched my neck when I head a deep chuckle in my head before I knew it was was in a cave there I saw a red light I walked toward it and saw a sword

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(Picture this as the sword  )

I heard purring so I thought it was me's not I then heard foot steps and got out my claws and growled a bit I then yelled " Come out now! Or else..." I said the last part a little darkly but i could care less now they then stepped out and it instead it was how I looked back at the frightzone when I look in the mirror red eyes and a scar they then spoke and said demonically " hello Catra" they purred my name off their tongue I then struck at their cheek but they dodged it they pounced on me and punched me and clawed my cheek  I yelped on pain with the contact and kicked them in the stomach causing them to stumble a bit I got up and pounced at them clawing their cheek and kicking them on their back hard enough for them to fall on the floor they then chuckled deeply and said " I'm not here to fight you Catra Relax" I growled and then stood still they got back up and look at me they said "I'm your inner demon catra this right here " they motioned to the sword "is your sword .You Catra are stronger then She ra you have powers no one else has Catra " I shook my head no and said " LEAVE ME ALONE! I DONT WANT THIS " they laughed a bit and said " oh but you do Catra deep down inside you want them to feel the pain you felt all of them .even Adora " Catra knew she was angry , angry at adora angry at her princess pals and angry at shadow weaver but she didn't know what to do or how to make them suffer so she then shook hands with the dark parts of her thoughts and thought ' everyone had power of their own and I find out I'm stronger then she ra maybe shadow weaver and hordak will now I do have worth ' they then spoke again and said " Catra do you really want this ?. Do you really wanna live your life based on what everyone says feeling your in control but really .... You never were and you know it too .all I'm asking is to help you Catra I stayed with you longer then anyone has Catra . " I looked at them and said " okay I'll do it but  I have one favor " they nodded for me to go on and I said " tell me what happend to my parents " They nodded again and said " when you were 10 before you went to the horde and met adora you had 2 parents their names where Mike and Melissa You even had a older brother named Jessie . One night on your birthday the horde sent assassin to kill your family because your dad stole something from them shadow weaver came before they died and saw you she made you watch your family die one by one you where screaming 'NO' and crying once they died shadow weaver knocked you out with her magic and brought you to the horde she brain washed you of your family so you thought you where just an abounded that's when shadow weaver started abusing you because of what your father did she hated you and held you personally for it ." I stood their cold I had a emotionless expression on my face and then I said quietly " why..." they came and put a hand on my shoulder and said " shadow weaver is an evil person it's only fair if we get revenge Catra all your life you have been living a lie being abused bullied and taking the blame for adora and then what does she repay you with she leaves you entrapta left you too and soon enough scorpia is bound to leave you too everyone is leaving and guess what ... all you have in the end is me and yourself but hey ..shouldn't that be enough ? So let me tell you advise Catra (incoming quote from the Joker ) why apologize for the monster you are when no one apologized for making you it ? Hm" "I look at them with a cool expression and say " thanks you've been me for so long and I never noticed I'm glad I actually have someone who stays " I then walk over to the sword and take a deep breathe I then ask " am I gonna be able to control myself with this " they nod and then I sigh and take it once I take it I feel dark demonic energy rush through me I look back and look at a puddle on the floor seeing my other form I look around and notice my inner demon Isn't there I think 'really did you leave too ..' they respond suddenly

I'm still here y'know .

How rude .

I scoff and respond again through the mind link ' shut it if your in my mind you might as well pay rent ' they chuckle a deep one and then I say darkly with their voice " revenge is mine now "

Sooooo how did you guys like the first chapter . So if you need you can ask me any question in the comments and if you want to know Catra is the main Character in this so that's why she is stronger then She ra so think of it as plot armor so yeah .

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