The Trick

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The two girls turn their heads around at the scream "I will check it out it's probably nothing, I will be back" Ruby then runs off to see what the commotion is about and Crimson starts to look very worried "I don't have a good feeling about this.." "What do you mean? it's probably some kid being bullied, not a big deal"  {20 minutes pass}  "She's still not back, I need to see what happend"  Crimson then hears the sound of a sword being drawn and the words "Tell me were your little friend is or you and her will die"  "NEVER!"  Troy then realizes who's voice it is....That voice is in fact Ruby's....

Crimson stands up and activates her fans but Troy then grabs her arm and pulls her back down "Don't bother! They wouldn't dare kill Ruby" "How would you know!"  "Because as long as she is alive... they know you will come find her sooner or later.." Crimson pauses for a second and whispers something behind her fans "What did you do?" "I sent a message directly to Ruby's brain to tell her the plan and exactly what to do"  "And the plan is...?"  "I will let them take Ruby"  Troy looks at Crimson surprised "And then i will find were they took her and at night i will take Ruby back...but until then Ruby has to make it look as real as possible"  "Make what look real?"  "Her being scared and depressed, It will be hard but she has no choice."  "I will come with you!"  "You cant Troy its way to dangerous"  Troy looks at Crimson disappointed and with joy as if he didn't really want to come along "Im gonna go hide in the forest just off the edge of town but for now goodbye Troy.." Crimson then runs off to the forest leaving Troy behind "Goodbye Crimson...although we will definitely meet again" Troy smirks and walks over to the followers who kidnapped Ruby "Hey boss"  "TROY?? You work with these people???"  Troy smiles and turns to his boss "Madam Glitch's plan is to wait until a random night next week to then rescue Ruby since she thinks we wouldn't dare kill Ruby"  "Ha...That's what she thinks we could easily kill a pathetic girl like her. Look as long as it stops the Glitch bloodline from getting to the top and passing our master we will do anything..." 

Crimson reaches the forest and gets a message sent to her through brain waves saying "Spiritual Slayer Madam Glitch you are only 23 kills away from getting into the top 100, good luck and goodbye." Crimson smiles knowing what her next move is...

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