So close Already?

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It's been at least 6 months since the Frost Forest and Crimson is very close already she surprisingly only needs 300 kills until she gets to the top 5... "Hey Alistair I never actually asked you how old you were?"  Alistair looks at her and says "Well in this 'life' im technically 23 since when we met i was 21 but in all lives together im at least 50,000 years old"  "Wow...Im dating an old man haha"  Alistair looks at her and pouts "well how old are you then? huh?"  Crimson laughs and says "I was 20 when we met and now im 22 so in this life we are the same age"  "Well if we get married one will be like me cant die unless killed and you would be the first human spirit who can enter all realms well nearly all of them ha"  "Wow your already thinking about marriage?"  Alistair pouts at Crimson "Well do you not want to get married?" Alistair walks off out side and Crimson runs after him "Hey!! Of course I do! well one day at least.."

As the two of them walk through the village and through all of the night stalls hand in hand Crimson asks "Why does your dad want to kill my bloodline?"  Alistair is shocked at how sudden the question is but still answers "Because in the underworld a rumor went around that Glitch blood line killed my Grandfather which wasn't a rumor but still"  "Oh..but how would your dad act if he knew you dated someone from the Glitch bloodline....?"  "Well he would kill the both of us so we have to keep it a secret from him"  Crimson nods then all of a sudden "HELP!!! A DEMON JUST BURNT MY STALL!!!"  "Alistair help put out the fire and i will go after the demon"  Crimson then runs off to get the demon. After a while of running she sees the ghost standing there out of breath while its occupied on trying to get its breath back Crimson checks its stats and see that its an ultra elite demon and worth 150 kills...

Crimson runs up to it and makes the first slash but then so does the demon it slashes right through her chest so Crimson throws her fans in a circle but this demon seems to know her every move so it manages to slash through her leg but then her fans get there just in time and it releases both souls. 2 hours pass and Crimson is struggling to get back to the village and she is wondering why Alistair hasn't come yet but then realizes that the village most likely asked him to stay and protect them. Another hour passes and she is finally back in the village but all the people are gone and all of the lights are out... She walks through the village and hears the sound of a demon and it sounds like an elite disappearance demon which can seem like its disappeared but it really just hid its self as something and it can also hide other people.... which is most likely what it did with every one else then the demon slashes her chest at the same place the other one did. Crimson not being able to move activated her fans powers and flicked them and it sent a shock wave around which knocked the demon out cold  and also revealed its self so ran over the best she could and stabbed it releasing both souls and the curse that was put on everyone else

Crimson tried her best to stand up and run over to Alistair but failed so he ran over to her instead and he picked her up and brought her to an inn and treated her wounds the best he could. One day later she is able to move like normal and she got a message saying "Congratulations on securing you place in the Top 5 at 3rd place! Keep going and you will be at the top in no time!"  Crimson then takes the clothes and puts them on and as she walks out she says "Look who got into the top 5!"   Alistair whips his head around and looks at her new clothes and says "Wow...This spiritual court really knows fashion huh?" He then chuckles and smiles at her

Crimson's Clothes:

Crimson's Clothes:

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