Top 100

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Crimson knew exactly what her next move would be and that was to wait for a few days and get into the top 100 but to do that she would have to spend the next few nights fighting since your only able to kill 3 or 4 since you end up scaring them off but Crimson needed to do it quick so she could upgrade her weapons and skills so she has to go to the spiritual court to ask for tasks.

As she says the number to get to the spiritual court she realizes that something doesn't feel right and that would be the fact that it's snowing in the middle of summer out of now where "Wait...that means that a frost demon is near..." Crimson walks around trying to find it "If I can kill it that would be worth at least 20 kills because of how rare it is!"  Crimson walks further into the forest and activates her fans, as she continues to walk she see's the demon it seems to only be a first rank frost demon as it has badly hid its self in a human so you can still see the frost particles "Just go up to it and ask directions for the mountain then when its trying to figure out where it is take the first goes. nothing."  Crimson walks up to the demon as casually as she can she then gets in front of it and says "Excuse me? Do you know where the mountain around here is perhaps?" The demon looks at her then looks behind it to try see the mountain Crimson then takes the first blow to the head making it fumble around trying to get used to the human body, she takes this opportunity to stab the fans into the demon which then releases both the souls and the snow stops and the sun comes out once again

 Crimson gets a message telling her "Congratulations on being able to kill a rare demon! Keep up the good work!"  Crimson smiles feeling proud about her self that she was able to kill it but she then realizes that she only needs to kill three more demons or ghosts to get into the top 100. Crimson enters the numbers once again and a portal opens up to the spiritual court she walks through and goes to the front desk and asks if there are any quests that she can take and the receptionist tells her yes Crimson asks whats the rarest ghost or demon tasks they have and they said "The rarest one we currently have is a fire ghost and will be worth 100 kills which is enough to secure your place in number 98"  Crimson nods and says "I will take it!" Everyone stares at her as even some of the highest spiritual slayers cant kill a fire ghost "Are you sure?"  "Madam Glitch"  everyone's jaw dropped as they heard what her last name was "The Glitch bloodline is still going?" "When did Lady Glitch have a child?"  "I though that fan looked familiar.."  Crimson takes the task and teleports to the small village where its meant to be.

Crimson reads the task and it says that the fire ghost is hidden in a women who wonders out every midnight to catch people the rank of this ghost it very high ranked so high that not even a spiritual reveler can see what it is Crimson wonders around the village and as the clock hits 8 everyone runs inside "Madam you need to get inside now! or the ghost will get you!" Crimson looks at the distressed man and says "It's okay" "I know what im doing"  Crimson tries to walk off but the man stops her "But Miss! Even the Emperor Of Spiritual Slayers couldn't beat it!"  "Then maybe he shouldn't be a Spiritual Slayer should he? Now get inside it will be dangerous"  As Crimson escorts the man to his house she wonders around to find this women so Crimson came up with a plan "I will pretend to have no where to go and ask the first women i seen in the streets and if its the ghost it will attack as soon as i look at it in the eyes" 10 minutes pass and Crimson sees an old lady walking down the street and goes up to her and looks directly into her eyes and as Crimson expected the lady throws fire at her

Crimson only barely missed the fire "Blood Bath" Crimson can see that people are looking in the windows so she shouts "DONT LOOK INTO HER EYES!!!" Crimson then manages to take the first shot and cuts directly through her neck but nothing happens the women just gets up again and comes at Crimson one more time but only just misses "GET IN MISS!!!" one of the people shout "I CANT I LOOKED AT HER EYES SO SHE IS ATTRACTED TO ME!" Crimson grabs both of the woman's arms and rips them off so she cant throw fire but what Crimson didn't know is that she can spit fire as well but it takes up a lot of her energy so Crimson's plan was to dodge all fire she spits at her until the lady gets tired. 10 minutes later and the lady is already getting very tired so Crimson takes this to her advantage, Crimson stands there and as the woman gets ready to spit fire crimson throws both of her fans and as the fire comes towards her she ducks to see that both fans cut her head clean off and both spirits are released.

The people come out of there houses and offer things to Crimson to say thank you but she refuses it all until someone says "Lets have a meal at the old shrine!"  everyone agrees but one other person says "Lets take down that old shrine they did nothing for us! Lets build one for this young lady!" everyone cheers and leads Crimson to the old shrine "Miss whats your name?"  "My name is Madam Glitch"  The people looked surprised but very happy "Are you the daughter of Lady Glitch?"  "Yes I am this is in fact her spiritual weapon"  The people look very happy to hear this news and one old lady says "Well I never expected another Glitch to come here."  "What do you mean ma'am? Crimson looks confused "Well Your mother was actually born here"  "Crimson"  Crimson looks even more surprised at the fact that they know her real name "We actually looked after you until you were 10 years old then we asked the Fall family to look after you"  Crimson looks sad as she remembers the real reason why she came here " best friend Ruby Fall actually got kidnapped by Sir Jake and im trying to find her..."  "Oh my dear.... Well let's eat and we will let you go but you must come visit once you find her!"  As they walk into the shrine Crimson realizes that the shrine was for Sir Jake in the first place but she tries to ignore it and she enjoys her meal.

As Crimson waves goodbye to the village she gets a message "Congratulations on getting into the top 100! Please put these top 100 clothes on and come straight back to the Spiritual Court!" Crimson puts the clothes on see's that everyone has their own unique design but the colors are what show what rank you are... "Time to go back to the court to see what everyone wants"

Crimson's top 100 clothes:

Crimson's top 100 clothes:

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