Why Me?

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Crimson once again enters the password to the spiritual court and anxiously enters wondering what the court wants  as they themselves dont usually call people in, as she walks in everyone is cheering at her for defeating the fire ghost but then the Emperor of spiritual slayers walks in slowly clapping and everyone suddenly bows down as he enters "Wow... and not even i could beat it" He then grabs Crimson's chin and makes her look up at him "Now tell me miss...whats your secret in defeating that thing huh?" Suddenly a receptionist runs up to him and whispers "Sir that is the daughter of Lady Ebony Glitch...Madam Crimson Glitch.." His eyes widen and so does his mouth as a mischievous smirk creeps upon his face "Well Crimson..., care to be my Empress?" Everyone gasps at his bold decision as the Glitch family is known for killing people in one hit. Crimson looks at him very angrily and says "No...Your....well...how do i say this..." Crimson pauses and walks away "Well lets just say that.... your WAY out of my league...heha" Crimson walks away giggling at what she just said and to who but suddenly he shouts "So you dont want to be at the top then huh?" Crimson turns around and walks towards him and pulls him down and says "I would rather get to the top by my self then getting my SLAVES to do it for me" Crimson smirks and kicks him away "idiot"  The man some how still manages to get up and says "Someone as arrogant as you will NEVER surpass me!" Crimsons smirks and is about to walk through the portal until she says "Watch me bitch" She then walks off back to the over world.

"Right, back to the plan lets get Ruby.." Crimson communicates to Ruby through her fans to ask where she is Ruby replies with "Look west and you will see a building and a statue of Sir Jake go there and you will find me in the dungeons in the basement" Crimson looks to her west and sees the building she then teleports to the building through her fans "Ha never knew i could teleport with these things" Crimson then runs inside trying not to be caught she then hears a scream coming from the execution grounds so she runs over screaming "RUBY!!!" Crimson then sees Ruby being hung over at least a 50 foot drop, but all of a sudden while Crimson's guard was down Jakes followers managed to get her fans away from her and to capture her then Sir Jake walks out saying "Well, well, well.... what do we have here?"  "GET RUBY DOWN!! OR KILL ME INSTEAD!!!" Jake walks closer to the Ruby is hanging from "Well if i killed you that wouldn't be any fun would it?...Madam Glitch i want to see you suffer.."  "DONT GET ANY CLOSER TO HER!!!"  "Or...what?"  Jake then suddenly cuts the rope and Ruby plummets to her death. Crimson lets out a bloodcurdling scream and summons her fans which are glowing with a black smoke and Crimson throws both fans in the air and goes along punching everyone knocking all of them out clean and in the blink of an eye they are all dead...even Sir Jake.....

 Crimson walks back to where she was trained and tells them what happend "I am so sorry to hear that dear.... Look I know one way to get Ruby back.." Crimson wipes her tears and smiles "REALLY????"  "Yes...but it wont be easy.." "You'll have to get to the top 1 because when you do get to the top 1 you will be granted 1 wish and if you ask to bring someone back alive they will either say yes or no if they say no they stay in the immortal realm but you will be able to communicate with them and if they say yes they will come back to the mortal realm and it will be like they never died" Crimson's smile gets even wider as she says "I will do anything to get her back even if she says no at least i will be able to talk to her!!" Crimson then runs off to find demons and ghosts while shouting "THANK YOU!!!!" 

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