Always Have, Always Will

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{A/N: I know that in reality Taylor Swift wrote the song, but in this universe this song hadn't previously existed}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Backstory: Y/N has been in a relationship with Mikey for 1 month and she's glad to have a relationship like theirs, and yet she can't help but harbor lifelong feelings for a certain boy in blue. Will she admit her feelings for Leo and end things with Mikey? Or is she destined to have a low-key romance with everyone's favorite artistic goofball?

Somewhere in NYC, in a small apartment inhabited by two best friends, April walks through the door in search of her roommate.

April: "Y/N, you there?"

Y/N: "Hey April, I'm in my room. Come on in."

April followed the voice to find Y/N in her room fiddling with her guitar and typing what she assumed were the lyrics to a song she'd been working on.

April: "So, how's the song coming along?"

Y/N: "Great, I actually just finished it. So, what's up?"

April: "Come on Y/N, you know what's up. Your whole love triangle situation."

At that, Y/N looked down with a frown, April was the only one aware of her romance issues. Donnie also knew because he was, as he had relentlessly told his brothers, the more observant one in the group, and had been sworn to secrecy by the girls.

April: "So, are you gonna tell them?"

Y/N: "I don't know! I mean, I don't want to ruin my relationship with either of them, nor do I want to break Mikey's heart or hurt his feelings. Plus, if what I believe about Leo and Casey turns out to be true-"

Before Y/N could continue listing the cons of telling the truth about her feelings, April interjected with recently discovered information.

April: "Oh, trust me you don't have to worry about those two being a thing. After making her swear the topic of our discussion wouldn't leave her room, I asked her about your suspicions. She said she only sees Leo as a friend, the same goes for the rest of the team."

Y/N's eyes widen in surprise at this news flash.

Y/N: "Well, I still don't know."

April: "Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen? Let me rephrase that, is this really how you wanna spend what may be the rest of your life? Harboring feelings for someone else while you happen to be dating his brother? Sweetie, just tell them. Don't worry, everything's gonna turn out fine."

Y/N: "How do you know that?"

April: "Because A) I've known them just as long as you have and B) I also know that they could never stay mad at you. Tell you what, why don't you play me your latest hit to give you some time to think it over and we'll see how you feel afterwards. Deal?"

Y/N gave her a small smile at her proposition.

Y/N: "Deal, just keep in mind, while it is finished, it's still technically a work in progress." "Knowing you, it's gonna be great."

Y/N pressed the spacebar on her laptop to begin playing the background music. She then began strumming her guitar to the rhythm as she started to sing.

{A/N: Start the video; Bold and underlined is wherever I've changed the lyrics}

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