What the Heart Wants

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{A/N: I couldn't find a cover with a female lead and female duet vocals, so try to bear with me on this; Image above is Leo's human disguise from the day he met Y/F/N}


Y/F/N = Your First Name

Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Three years ago today, Leo & Y/F//N O'Neil got together, and life couldn't be better for them. A year after that, Donnie & April O'Neil followed in their footsteps. Now, everyone had hoped that Mikey & Casey would follow shortly after Apritello started. But it's been a year since then and, as of now, neither Mikey or Casey have said or done anything. So, tonight the two sisters were trying to coax Casey out of her nervousness and into asking out the orange-clad artist.

Casey: "Guys, I appreciate all of this, but I just can't. I mean, it's too much pressure! All the nerves, and confusion, and the kicking myself after every try."

April and Y/F/N share a look of knowing. Y/N gestures to herself and April.

Y/F/N: "Really You think we don't understand? Me, the overachieving good girl dating my sister's boyfriend's cocky, overconfident twin brother?"

April: "Or me? Her multitasking, also overachieving, overworked older sister? Who had to get help asking out said boyfriend from my sister's boyfriend?"

Y/F/N: "What can I say? After you matched me up with Leo, I figured I should do the same for you."

Casey: "Wait, what?  I thought you met the turtles when you were kids."

Y/F/N: "Nope, that's just April. Leo & I didn't meet until a few years later. *chuckles* I'll never forget that night for as long as I live.

April's eyes brighten as she sends her sister a sly grin. Y/F/N rolls her eyes with a smile.

Y/F/N: "Fine. Get it out of your system."

April: "Yes! Case, how's your singing voice?"

Casey sends April a confused look. So, she turns to Y/F/N for an explanation. Y/F/N shrugs her shoulders.

Y/F/N: "Believe me. It's better for everyone if you go along with what she says."

Casey nods as April starts up the music for the story she could listen to over and over again.

{Start the video}

Y/F/N (April & Casey):

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh (hey, hey, hey)

I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey)

Hey (hey, hey)

Ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh (hey, hey, hey)

I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey, hey)

Boy, he had me helpless

Looked into his eyes, and the sky's the limit

I'm helpless

Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em

I had never been the type to try and grab the spotlight

We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night

Laughin' at my sister as she's dazzling the room

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