Never Letting Go

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{A/N: Requested by Liv_so_slay ; Hope this lives up to your expectations and Happy Reading!!}

3rd Person POV:

Before you met the Mad Dogs, you preferred to do things alone. When your parents had to work late, which happened a lot, you taught yourself how to make dinner, do schoolwork, and do a few extra chores around the house. Then, out of nowhere, an anthropomorphic turtle in a blue mask came crashing through your open window during his fight with a pig mutant.

After that, he came through your window every night, but on purpose this time. After a week, he brought you to his home to meet his older brother, twin brother, little brother, surrogate sister, and father. Since then, if your parents are working late, or you need some time away from the downside of a 'normal' life, you go to the lair. This all started three years ago, and until last year, everything was going great. Then the Kraang came, and so did a time-traveling teen from the future, and everything got complicated. First, you discovered that time travel is real, meaning you owed Donnie $20, then you almost lost Raph, the big brother you never had, and then everyone got split up, with you helping April & Splinter clear a path to the others. Then, just when you had finally reunited with the guys and tried to confess your feelings for the 5th time, the first friend you ever made sacrificed himself to an alien wasteland. Luckily, Mikey's mystic hand magic rose to the surface with help from Raph & Donnie, and everyone was back together, having saved the world from yet another threat, the first being Shredder.

Now, a year later, you spend more time with Mikey or his alter-ego, Dr. Feelings, more often than before. You mostly talked to each other about how you feel after almost losing your family and your home, had it not been for the bond you all shared as a team, as a family. But recently, now that the hard part was over, Mikey preferred to focus on why you hadn't given confessing your feelings another try, a conversation you were having with him over Facetime right now.

Y/N: "Mikey, do we really have to go over this again?"

Mikey: "Yes, because it's been a year since you last tried to, and you & Leo still aren't together! It's not fair."

Y/N: *chuckles* "To me or you?"

Mikey: "Yes!"

Y/N: "Well, let's start with the fact that the last time I tried, the world almost ended! Who knows what could happen next? Shredder could come back, Draxum could revert to being a bad guy, or worse, the Kraang could-"

You couldn't bring yourself to finish the thought as the memory of Leo's goodbye speech flashed in your mind, your voice getting caught in your throat. You also remembered the feeling of your heart breaking as Leo jumped through the portal before it closed.

Mikey: "Hey, you ok?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just sometimes, it's hard remembering all of it, y'know?"

Mikey: "Yeah, I know. I also know you should talk to Leo about this after confessing. We all almost lost something that day, but you and Leo could stand to gain all that and more if you had someone to talk to besides me. Not that I don't love our talks."

Y/N: "I get it, and the feeling is mutual."

Mikey: "Good. Then, as your friend and therapist, I'm giving you a therapeutic exercise."

Y/N: "I'm not getting out of this, am I?"

Mikey: "Nope. Since you're having trouble confessing to Leo face-to-face, I suggest you do it face-to-camera. In other words, record yourself rehearsing your confession through talking or, my favorite, singing. If you still feel awkward sending it to Leo, send it to me first, and I'll give you some non-biased feedback, and we'll go from there."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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