Into You

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{A/N: The image above is what Mikey looks like as Dr. Feelings; In this story, Y/N is the same age as Mikey, one year younger than Leo}


Y/N/N = Your Nickname

Here's something you don't see every day. Amongst the bustling city of NYC, the lair was as peaceful as it had ever been. Donnie was working in his lab, Raph was training with Franken-Foot, Leo was practicing some tricks on the skateboarding ramp, and Mikey and Y/N were having a one-on-one discussion that somehow involved 3 people.

Y/N: "Now Mikey, you know I enjoy our hangout sessions, but why did this one have to be scheduled? And why does 'Dr. Feelings' have to be involved? Also, are we ever going to discuss the fact that your multiple personalities may be misnamed? More specifically, 'Dr. Delicate Touch'?"

Mikey: "Never, and we need him to evaluate on your feelings for my brother." 

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as she tried to change the subject.

Y/N: "Do we really? Why don't we discuss how you've never been able to recreate Meat Sweats' signature truffle pork chops?"

Mikey: "No, and it can be so frustrating. How can I not remember where a magic tree grows, the one thing I need to perfect-"

Mikey paused in realization before changing into his signature Dr. Feelings attire with a firm look.

Mikey: "Oh no you don't. Very nice try, my dear, but you're not worming you way out of this."

Y/N looked down out of shyness. Mikey eased his look into one of sympathy.

Mikey: "Look Y/N/N, what is so bad about getting things off your chest and telling Leo how you feel."

Y/N: "Because of all the things that could go wrong. What if he rejects me? What if he likes someone else? What if he did like me but I've waited too long and now he's over me? I mean let's face it Mikey there are more cons than there are pros."

Mikey: "Are there, really? Allow me to read off the list I've made for this occasion."

Y/N: "Wait, what?"


1. He might feel the same and start a relationship with her

2. Things would be less awkward between the two of them than they are now

3. If things work out between you two in the future, they might get married and I'd get a new older sister

4. If she confesses now, I win the bet against the others

Y/N: "What was that last part?"

Mikey: "Not important. What is important is that you answer me one question: Why Leo and why all of a sudden?"

Y/N: "Well, it's hard to explain in words, but I will say that it isn't that sudden. I've had these feelings for a while now."

Mikey: "Y'know, when I was little there was something I would do to express myself when I couldn't find the right words to say. Can you guess what that is?"

Y/N: "Hmm, graffiti, cooking, painting?"

Mikey: "No, well yes. But I'd also sing, which stays between us right?"

Y/N: "Cross my heart, BFF's honor."

Mikey: "Thanks, so what do you say?"

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