Married with Paper

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Y/F/N = Your Full Name

A steady breeze blows through the city as the honking of cars stuck in traffic echo throughout the night. Despite being known as the city that never sleeps, all in all, it was a calm peaceful night for everyone in New York City. At least, it would be 'everyone' if April and 3 of the 4 Mad Dogs hadn't decided to drag Y/N to a karaoke bar in the middle of the night.

Y/N: "Remind me why I allowed the four of you to drag me to this place when I could, and possibly should, be planning my wedding to your brother?"

Mikey responded with his signature smile.

Mikey: "Because, dear sister, we believe that rather than organizing a flawless wedding, you should spend at least one night without asking yourself 'which is better: roses or tulips?'. BTW, the answer is obviously roses."

Y/N nodded, making a mental note of that before pausing with a curious look and turning to Donnie and asking

Y/N: "Donnie, my favorite wedding planning partner, is Mikey telling the whole truth, or is there something you want to tell me?"

Before Donnie could spoil the surprise, the lights dimmed attracting the occupants of the table they were currently seated at. Y/N was especially surprised to see her fiancé onstage, the spotlight highlighting his million dollar smile.

Leo: "Ladies and gentlemen, this next one goes out to my fiancé, who is way out of my league.  I still can't believe she said yes when I asked her, not only to date me, but to marry me and be stuck with me for the rest of our lives. I am by far the luckiest guy in this, or any other world. You're one in a million babe, love you."

The audience awed and applauded at this gesture, while Y/N couldn't help but smile sweetly at her usually blue-clad hero showing off his sweet side in public.

{A/N: Start the video; Bold and underlined is wherever I've changed the lyrics}


The moon is bright

Like your smile was the night that we first met

Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet

Now I've read all the comic books beside your bed

The water's cold

Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street

Cat and mouse for a month or 2 or 3

Now I wake up every night and watch you breathe

Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night

Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright

Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life

I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings

Uh-huh, that's right

Darling, you're the one I want

And I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this

Uh-huh, that's right

Darling, you're the one I want

In paper rings, in picture frames, in flirty dreams

Oh, you're the one I want

Loving the Boy in BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora