5. |FIRE|

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Aurora had never in her life been somewhere even half as luxurious as the castle she currently walked through. It was made of old stone and a cold wind blew into the tunnels. The ivory countertop the receptionist sat behind glimmered as artificial light hit the surface. While it all seemed wonderfully exquisite she couldn't imagine living here. It was like the fairytale crap her mother used to read to her as a child. The one where the princess was stuck in a tower and needed a prince to save her. Aurora was no princess and she sure as hell needed no man to save her.

She didn't dare speak when they entered the huge underground antechamber that the three kings sat, while audacious she wasn't psychotic.

"Dear ones." The one in the center clasped his hands together as he made his way towards the vampires who had just returned. He had long black hair that stopped in the middle of his chest and half of it  it was being pinned up by a silver clip in the back. His skin was as pale as everyone else's but his eyes seemed milky, almost as if he were blind, but vampirism would have healed the blindness if he was as a human. So she assumed it had to do with his age as he seemed much older than even the four vampires she had just traveled halfway across the world with.

"You must be Aurora Corvus." He grinned maniacally.

"You must be Aro Volturi." She took in every inch of the vampire king. Her bluntness caused Demetri to suck in a slight breath, hoping to anyone who would listen that Aro wouldn't see it as a sign of disrespect.

"So they have told you about me." His eyes lit up in elation. "Excellent."

"Not much." She deadpanned. "Only that you wished to meet me."

"Yes." He said, the grin continued to plague his face. "I saw you in Demetri's thoughts. You're incredibly intriguing; so powerful at such a young age."

"And untrained too." Demetri added to her praise.

"Yes." Aro said "Imagine all that you could do with training."

"With all due respect I don't particularly want training." She said. They way he was speaking about her potential; it was blatant that his "training" would come with a price and she was doubtful that she would be willing to pay.

"Did we ask what you wanted?" The blonde sitting in the chair to the right sneered. She could only infer that that one was Caius.

"Well I assume you are not a taker of free will." She made direct eye contact with Caius then looked back at Aro.

"Customarily." Aro's grin fell from his face at Aurora's denial of his offering. "However you have committed a crime. Your dealings with the army that reaked havoc in Seattle Washington has made you subject to the law. Normally your life would have been a suitable price, however I'm offering another."

"Fine." She clenched her teeth together. If there was one thing she did it was survive, and to get out of this alive she would have to submit. "When do we start?"


"I do not care that it is worth fifty percent of my grade. I will not do your racist assignment." A fifteen year old Aurora sneered at her history teacher.

"It is not racist it is simply allowing you to see from both sides." Her middle aged suburban teacher with a beer belly argued back at his student.

"Well I do not care for the perspective of the side that placed their own in internment camps and sent two atomic bombs to communities where innocent civilians resided." She spat back.

The assignment was to argue why placing Japanese Americans in the camps was the right call; she would do no such thing ever.

"I will have to make calls home for refusal to participate then." He threatened.

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