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"Are you really wearing that to your first day of school?" my mother asked me.

I paused my actions to look at her blankly.

She sighed, shaking her head.

"I'm going there to learn," I answered. "I don't think I'm required to be well-dressed for that."

I heard her mumble under her breath as I rummaged the fridge for the ingredients I needed.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Good morning, Cassandra," my father's voice spoke behind me.

I shut the fridge and turned to look at him, my arms filled with my ingredients. I set the things down on the island and turned to look at my parents. They both looked back at me with concern.

"Good morning, Dad. Mom, I'm fine. Be happy I'm at least wearing jeans. I could have chosen to go in my pajamas," I reminded her.

My dad's lips flickered in amusement as he stopped a smile from forming.

I sighed and began throwing some food into the blender.

"Did you get up in time this morning?" my father asked me as my mother rolled her eyes and went back to her coffee.

"Early, actually. Ran five instead of three today, old man," I teased him.

He gave me a warning look, but I grinned cheekily at him.

"Don't forget training after school," he reminded me.

I looked him up and down, taking in his appearance.

My father was in his usual attire of cargo pants, shirt covered by a button down, and combat boots. His dark hair was trimmed short, a light stubble covering his sharp cheekbones and jaw. His dark eyes were observing me, calculating. I internally smirked and leaned against the island, crossing my arms as I looked at him. I wiped my features blank, with the exception of a smirk.

He narrowed his eyes at me, making his message clear. I rolled my eyes and raised an eyebrow at him. He tapped his watch and walked over to the kitchen table to join my mother, his coffee and newspaper waiting for him. He took his seat and took my mother's hand in his calloused one, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand.

I watched him fall into conversation with my mother as I went back to my task. I looked up at my parents as I waited for my smoothie to get blended. I smiled lightly as I took them in.

My mother's blonde hair was pinned up into a soft bun today, face framing bangs drawing attention to her own sharp cheekbones and jawline as well as her emerald eyes. Though she was smiling at my father, it wasn't the same smile I had grown up with.

Pushing those thoughts out of my head, I shoved a lid on to my smoothie and excused myself, walking myself back to my room. I set the smoothie down on my dresser as I walked over to the door-length mirror where my reflection stared back at me.

My own emerald eyes stared back at me, lifeless and dull. The warmth of my skin tone did nothing to brighten up my own sharp features, a family trait it seemed. Where my mother had emerald eyes and blonde hair, though, I had inherited my father's dark locks instead. My lean legs were outlined by my jeans, my V-neck drawing attention to my wide shoulders and lean body. I clenched my jaw.

I didn't like my appearance.

I took my shirt off, leaving me in my sports bra and my abs on display. My arms dipped where the muscle accentuated him, and my eyes lingered on the curves.

My body had drastically changed in the last year of my life.

I shook my head, shaking those thoughts away. I walked over to my closet and hung my shirt back up, trading it for a hoodie instead. I slipped it over my head, more comfortable now than I had been a minute ago. The jeans would have to stay on for today.

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