F o u r

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"You're home later than we thought you would be," my mother commented as I took my seat at the table.

"I'm sorry. I was getting some food with Watson and lost track of time," I answered.

"You were with Elliot?" my mother asked, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at her pointedly. "Don't get any ideas, Mother. Father here would flay him if he ever tried anything."

"Watson's a good guy," my father interjected.

I flickered my eyes over to him. His dark ones met mine as he passed me the salad bowl. My eyebrows twitched closer momentarily.

"He looks out for you, Cass," he reminded me.

I flinched at the use of my nickname. "Cassandra, please."

I heard my father sigh. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"It's okay," I mumbled as I poured myself some food.

I let my parents fall into conversation with each other. I answered when they asked me something specifically, but I didn't speak for most of the conversation, instead choosing to eat my food. This was the new me.

This had become our new normal.

"Is it alright if I go out with Watson this weekend? He mentioned this small bookstore earlier today that he likes. I wanted to check it out," I finally spoke as we finished dessert.

"Is he driving?" my father asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Share your location with us. Call if you need anything," he answered.

"You deserve to have some fun," my mother added gently.

"I'll remember that," I answered as I picked up the dishes.

"Go finish your homework, sweetheart. We'll do the dishes," my mother told me.

"It's okay. It's my week anyway," I responded.

"You have the week off. It's your first week at school. Take next week," she bargained.

"Thanks, Mom."

She offered me a gentle smile as I set the dishes in the sink and walked towards my room. I paused in front of my room and turned to look at the door across from mine. I let out a shaky breath before walking into my room.

I got my phone out as I took my textbooks out to finish my homework for the night.

Can I take you up on that offer?

My phone began to buzz before I even had a chance to lock my phone.

"You didn't have to call," I spoke, answering.

"Maybe not, but I did say I had your back whenever you needed someone," he answered.

I didn't say anything.

"What's going on, McGarrett?"

"I miss him," I whispered.

"You want to see him?"

"I don't know if that'll help."

"Only one way to find out, right?"

I sighed, which was answer enough for Watson.

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