A New Friend

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Mia has made us all a good meal, dad arrives and he already knows who Mia is and is shocked that she is serving us dinner.
Tell mr Jones to have a seat at the dinner table while Anastasia, Sawyer and I put the meal on the table. He looks really shocked but follows my instructions and we sit and I serve the food with everyone's help. Anastasia got the drinks for us and we eat.
Dad we went down to the gym in the basement and I showed Sawyer and Mia how I could take down Sawyer. She would be interested in learning to defend herself like that. Can she train with us if it's okay with her parents and you?
I knew something was up, great meal you three. You will have to also clear it with your brother, my boss as well as your parents. I need to hear it from them. Don't beat Sawyer up if I train you okay. Sawyer do you have asthma?
A mild case of it, that's why they wouldn't re up me.
We can work around that and I think I know a way. How are you are training self defense?
Not sure, but I can give it a shot.
We need to make sure these two stay up to snuff on self defense. Defensive driving as well. I heard they have a place that you can train people and be trained as well. I think Mia and Anastasia could use those skills. Anastasia can be a backup in case of an emergency. She knows her stuff. We will play it by ear, but if Taylor or mr Grey request you specifically you will need to attend to their needs first. I will see how well you train the girls and possibly see if we can do an in house self defense for all GEH employees. Everyone should know some self defense.
I think that's a great idea. Hold on Taylor is buzzing me asking my location. I guess they are wanting to know where Mia is.
I will call and tell Christian where I am.
Mia just called Sawyer and her are at the Jones apartment and she's still having fun. So they are safe down there. I guess she must have liked the daughter. Maybe she will be a good influence on Mia and get her going to college.
Sawyer just buzzed, he said they started talking self defense and I guess Rays taught her how to take someone down and she took him down ten times. Mia has finally decided she wants to learn more about it.
Do you think she will?
Well considering how tall Mia is compared to Anastasia, she probably takes it as a challenge. But she at least went to see what a tiny female could do with self defense over a very big man if they needed to. That's a huge deal.
So you think if we don't push it, Mia would take self defense on her own?
Let's wait and see, if I recall the story Anastasia didn't want to either, but she was being bullied and changed her mind after a black eye. People thought they could run right over her and it was escalating. So after she was taught they stopped after a few of them ended up going home hurt.
That's pretty good. Mom and dad had wanted her to learn because of the potential of her being kidnapped. So far we have been able to contain those kidnap attempts, but each try they get smarter. Okay so how did everything go with Barney and his on line connections.
Ray reached out to several new ones and they came back to us. Leila just say Ray is well known and can use his connections to make sure Barney stays safely hidden. He just can't mention any screen names ever again, even to us. They spent a long while checking out all our security and our teams. He has some recommendations on several new hires. He thinks you need to update all security systems and he has access to some that even the military can't get yet. You will need to sign off on the work and the purchase.
I guess you have everything in that folder?
Of course I do, here is the suggested changes and they will take a week to get completed. We have to move quickly on the purchase, hires and installation. Two new hires will be helping with the installation. The installation will take thirty minutes once we get everything set up.
Okay I am in and let's make sure we record everything they do as they install for our own protections and to learn on how to do things quicker. I and everyone else hated the last update and upgrades.
We are going to start here in the penthouse first. Then the families homes, then finally Grey House. Once we get that done the upgrades and updates can be remotely installed and controlled from Grey House on several new servers. So we have access to everything within moments. It also puts Barney in charge of a lot more and the new hires will be working under him. They are ready to move as soon as you hire them. We have to hire before others find out they are on the job sites. Raymond was about to post when Barney got wind of him and approached me about him.
Barney really trust Ray as well, go for it. Get everything they need. Just keep me and finances apprised of the costs and any over runs.
There might be one glitch, but Barney is working on that himself. It is his teenage sister and he wants to bring her in, but at a different level than she wants. Her age is the issue.
Let's let him handle that for now, but keep an ear and eye on it.

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