Guns Kill

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I am wearing a wire and so is Anastasia, we are also wearing a camera. They have panic buttons and trackers as well. I am carrying a weapon of sorts on me. I drive us up to Elenas and we get out. Since Anastasia is my friend as I told Elena and Carla. So getting her to come with me wasn't a problem.
The house was huge and absolutely ugly. We walk inside and the inside is hideous. It all conveys how evil the resident is that lives here. My safety is off on my guns and Phillip has his police baton ready. We suddenly hear Carla and Elena come to greet us. I pull my hoodie off my head and glare at Carla. They approach me and I back up and they reach out to grab me and I pull my gun out and point it at them. Phillip takes a stance and then we hear him, Stephen Morton.
So you two sent me on a fools errand so you could sell Anastasia before I got a chance to break her in.
I turn and point the gun at Stephen and tell him to shut up and sit down. I have Phillip tie them up. He suddenly smiles and says he has other plans. He grabs Elena and Carla and drags her down. Stephen tries to grab me and I take a shot at him and he holds his hands up just as my back up team enters and ties him up. I point to the basement and let them go down there. I walk down and suddenly get attacked by Elena and we begin to fight for my gun. It goes off once and I fall, she reaches for my hair and tries to jerk me up and I aim again and shoot her. She is down as well. Carla suddenly lunges for me and I shoot her as well. Finally the security team has arrived to save me and Phillip.
The women were too fast for me, they had me strapped to the whipping bench in Elenas dungeon. The cops arrive and start taking photos along with ensuring everyone goes to the hospital along with jail. Anastasia told the cops they were about to auction her off. They both attacked Anastasia she had a gun shot from fighting with Elena and then her mother she hit them both in self defense. Just as they were getting them into ambulances Stephen, Elena and Carla tried again to attack Anastasia. They were trying to kill her and she shot Elena and then pointed the second gun at them. Elena died on the way to the hospital. I told the security teams to search my car in the tire slot and there are drives with everything they need to put all three behind bars and Robert Lincoln as well for human trafficking and their people who are out there grabbing the people they are selling. I tell them they need to stop a cargo going out tonight. I give them all the information and Raymond is at the hospital when we arrive. The cos have Anastasia's guns and she shows them her license to carry and her gunshot would from Elena grabbing hold of the gun and turning it around to shoot Anastasia. Raymond was mad at me about Anastasia getting shot.
You were supposed to make sure she was safe and she's been shot by her own gun. But she was double teamed by Carla and Elena. I still don't understand why Elena died from her wound. Any thoughts on that Phillip?
I was tied up remember? I am not telling him I was able to inject Elena with something before we got to the basement. She thought I pinched her butt, I did so I could plunge the needle into it. I did some research and found out about undetectable drugs that can kill a person. I wasn't going to be able to torture her slowly at this point, but she and her friends won't be taking people and selling them any more if I have my way. Now they can search the place. I know where her files are, she trusted me more than anyone.
I am bleeding and my daughter only got a scrape from a bullet. Anastasia didn't shoot me, I am told that Stephen shot me and he was killed before he shot me again. I was told that Elena died of her gun shot wound. This is a circus.
Agent Sawyer
My teams got search warrants for all the Lincoln properties. We found a crematorium and it had all kinds of ashes and bones in it. We also found bodies buried all over the place. Dogs were going crazy. We started going back through missing persons reports.
Robert Lincoln
I arrive to see a funeral procession and no one was crying. More like they were glaring at her. I asked if they were going to do an autopsy and the dr said it wasn't necessary and with all the Botox treatments they wouldn't be able to find out what actually killed her. Her will was found and she left everything to a Phillip Drake. I can't believe this at all.
Phillip Drake
An attorney arrived at my hospital room and he explained that I inherited her estate and all of it. Robert wasn't happy at all. Anastasia is finally awake and asking why she is here. She was hurt , but not badly. I thought.
Apparently mom needs a transplant, not from me. She told them I was her biological daughter. Her Liver was damaged when she got shot. Well too bad for her. Why should I save someone who sold me and tried to sell me again and then tried to kill me. I called the nurse and told her that my organs will not be used to save my evil mother. Stephen is wanted in ten other states for murder. Mom is his accomplice. One state has the death penalty and they want them badly. Robert was arrested along with the rest of them. Elena got off lucky. They aren't even investigating why she died. Documents came to Kavanagh Media, the police, the FBI and a lot of other news and attorneys. People were coming forward to make plea agreements. Bodies were found on the property where Elena had a crematorium built. No one cleaned the ashes out, so they identified a lot of missing people there. Her cargo was stopped before it left the US and Robert Lincoln was head of human trafficking on the west coast division. Elena and Richard ran part of it. Her companies were closed down and searches were made because they were now Phillips to allow searches. They worked with him, because he was Richards illegitimate son. He was never part of any of this. He had been abused by both parents and Elena. I called dad and he was in my room in thirty seconds. The doctors were insisting that as a perfect match for my mother that I rethink it. She apparently made them think I was going to do it. We left immediately, dad said they had to keep my gun to eliminate who shot who. I was just grazed. Someone lied about my age and that was why I wasn't released yet.

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