Friday Defense

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I am waiting here for Mia to bring the guess passes. I think I Zamboanga early by five minutes. Sawyer heads over and brings me the pass and says they are already in the gym and waiting for me. I check the time and we head over and I change very quickly. He is having us work one on one with GEH security male and female. So I get changed and they put me with a woman. She shows me some different techniques that she was taught and then we try them out. Anastasia is still better than all of us. Shelby is a close second.
I have Sawyer once again and he rotates us to give us an example of different methods. I finally end up with the one Kate started with and she explains that no matter what keeping your wits about you is objective number one, even if you are scared out of your mind. Fear is your worst enemy is a survival mode.
I am finally getting it with the females helping me. I think I can concentrate more and they have different stances and thoughts on attacks. Mia looks like she is doing better as well. Anastasia is of course the best, but her dad trained her. Shelby is doing great for someone who hadn't done it in such a long time. Kate is even better than I am.
I have learned a few new techniques and they seem pretty good. The ladies are showing us some other methods to use that men don't use. I like the idea we have others training us along with Sawyer. Dad said they volunteered to train us, because of recent attacks on the college campus. Dad wants me to wear my vest and carry my guns and license with me as well. He figures better safe than sorry.
I am doing a lot better and I am very glad, because girls are getting attacked on campus. They just sent a mass email about it and suggesting we find people to walk with us to classes. All the females are being asked to make sure they aren't alone. We all spoke about it and we are going to make sure we aren't alone and Sawyer has asked a few of the security to make sure our group stays safe. He has asked for our schedules so we have protection. Which I think is very nice of him and them.
The reason for the extra security is that we found out young ladies are being attacked on the college campus and they were young ladies alone. They are being attacked day or night. So whoever it is they are watching and waiting. Mr Grey asked that we cover these young ladies until such time as they catch the attacker or attackers. I am supposed to make them think we are being generous and protecting them, which mr Grey is definitely being generous and paying us all to get these girl trained and able to fight if they have to.
I have taught all the young ladies the new techniques and they seem to have caught on to them. I have to go with Kate and we rotate around. We have to dress differently and make sure our guns are noticeable. Anastasia will be the only vested and armed of our students. She was well trained, but she needed the new techniques and she caught on fast.
I hate babysitting teen girls, they need trained and they are in danger in that campus. We might catch the attacker or attackers. I have to say all four of these ladies are easy on the eyes, very easy. I have to remember they are 18 or so. We are being paid very well.
I am the same size as Anastasia, I think that was deliberate. I showed them how height can be an advantage and disadvantage. We get done and we schedule to meet and who is going with who. Anastasia is who I am guarding. I know at least she will be armed and can back me up.
Today has been fun and everything is going as planned. We head out and I drive Mia home and tell her I will be scheduling the rotations and we will be together two days for each of the girl's. That way we can take in each person they encounter on campus.
Anastasia told me Roberts will be her first rotation and then Sawyer and so on and so forth. It's not unusual for a college campus to be targeted by these people who like to attack young ladies. Females are attacked everyday and everywhere. Even some men are.
Make sure all of them are safe and hopefully they aren't afraid to use what they were taught. I was informed about the emails to the girls by Ray and Taylor, so we decided to up their training and and add security on each girl.
After the emails we made some quick decisions about the girls safety and brought in some people to protect and possibly catch the attacker or attackers. I know I would feel better if it were my daughter and would be thankful that someone is watching out for her like we are these young ladies.
I just found out that there's been attacks on the college campus and I am worried for Mia and her friends. I call Christian and he tells me that have been upping her training and all of the girls will have bodyguards. Plus Anastasia is an expert in several forms of self defense. She also is trained to shoot and has a gun and a carry and conceal license. That I got upset about. Plus I told him a that Anastasia failed to mention that when she had came to dinner.
Grace has called me about the campus attacks and she was not thrilled to find out Anastasia has guns and can shoot them and has a carry and conceal license. She was mostly upset that Anastasia and Mia kept that piece of information from her.

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