A College Friend

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I ran into a lot of school friends signing up for college. We ended up with three of them joining us for lunch. Leila Williams, Shelby Turner and the most annoying Kate Kavanagh all three want to date my brothers. Shelby is the least objectionable and even though she has a thing for both my brothers. At least she is a good friend when I need one. Anastasia I hope will be that too. So far she has been very nice. I hope it's not because I am sister to her and her dads boss. I think she is a good person and is being one to me, plus she hasn't any friends I on the other hand have people trying to be friends with me for who I am and my brothers and family. I want friends who want my friendship without all that comes with me. Mom and dad have both types of friends. Elliott has a lot of friends, Christian stays too busy to make any real friends.
I have to say that Mia and I might become real friends. I hope she knows that I am not doing this because her brother is dad and my boss right now. She is fun to be around, I hope she knows that. We are sitting at lunch with three of her friends Leila, Shelby and Kate. Shelby is the one is most down to earth of all three. Kate is too nosy and bossy, Leila is a bit stuck up and too obsessed with Mia's brothers for my taste. We had a nice lunch and headed back to Escala to drop me off and Mia headed back to her parents home. We exchanged phone numbers and make plans to get together again.
We head into GEH and everything is going to be here tomorrow along with the crew to install everything. The new hires are in and Barney is beyond thrilled. They get busy right away and I am overseeing most of the staff until it is completed. Anastasia gives me a call when she arrives back home and we plan supper. We chat about her meeting a few of Mia's friends. She liked one of them, the others were a bit off putting. I am assuming that she found something that rubbed her the wrong way.
I call Mia and Anastasia and ask them when would be a good day for them to train. Mia said they will check schedules and she will let me know when I pick her up for school. I am still driving her to school.
Everything is moving quickly and it seems to be going smoothly after we got the apartment all set up and then we got GEH working all within the time Ray said it would take. Barney did several test runs and they had a few adjustments to the system. Then it is all done. It took every minute though.
I have been waiting for everything to be completed and it gets done and we are done and Barney let's me know when it is ready. He is doing great and so are his new employees. I have noticed a difference, but I think in the long run it will be more secure like they told me. Barney told me when they changed over he caught four instances of someone trying to get through and when they got everything up and running they were able to trace the hacking back to the hackers. They created a virus to allow the hackers to download and the hackers systems were infected. That is how the new system handles attempted hacking.
While Ray was working Anastasia was busy with college and Mia.
We scheduled a self defense training session with Sawyer, unfortunately Kate, Leila and Shelby wanted to come and watch. So I explained it to Sawyer and Anastasia and they both agreed to allow them as well. I had to get Christian to okay visitors passes for the three girls. As Christian sister I can come and go, but he has to authorize any guests passes. When I explained what it was for he laughed and told me to be careful and make sure I follow all Sawyers instructions.
I arrive at Escala and have to park in the outside guest parking lot. I call Mia and she comes and gives me my guest pass for this visit. If we come back we have to be with Mia or Anastasia. Christian has to authorize us if it is Mia. Anastasia said she won't authorize guest she barely knows. Luckily Christian knows me, Kate and Leila. We aren't allowed in his penthouse ever.
I see Shelby and Mia and wave and yell their names as I get out of my car. Leila arrives and parks two cars down. I see Sawyer standing waiting for Mia and Anastasia and Mia waves the passes at us and then I see Shelby. I had hoped that I could get Mia to allow me into the penthouse, but that won't be happening now.
I finally am going to be in the same gym that Christian works out in and the building he lives in, this is the closet I have gotten to his apartment. He will not allow Mia to have any friends into Escala even to drop Mia off. She has been adamant that Christian doesn't allow her friends to come to Escala for any reason. Anastasia lives there now as well, I might see if she will let us up.
Leila asked me if I could get them into more Grey's penthouse. It old her there was no way I would do that. I can't allow anyone up there or even in my apartment. Dad has instructed me about not allowing people into Escala without checking with him or mr Grey's security before even allowing guests in our apartment. All our guests are subject to background checks and Mias friends are unacceptable for numerous reasons.

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