An Overnight Guest

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Mia and I became good friends and we talked over a lot of things. She wants to go to the college and get signed up for courses and we spent a lot of time discussing my courses and then we got into what kind of classes she was interested in. I think we had one class we were going to sign up for.
We talked into the wee hours of the night and Anastasia offered me the guest room and something to sleep in and toiletries. So we went our separate ways.
The next morning Sawyer knocked on the door
I answered the door and Sawyer just shook his head. He brought me some clothes he had Gail get for me so I could have clean clothing. I doubt anything Anastasia has would fit me, considering my height compared to hers. It has been a while since I spent the night at a friends house.
So what are the plans for the day?
Enrolling in college and buying my books and signing up for classes. Then we have self defense training. If you are up to it that is?
I think I can muster up strength to take you on. I laugh and so does she. Then I hear voices and see the Jones heading to the kitchen area. Ray invites us to breakfast.
I head to the kitchen and dad tells me his breakfast order, per usual. We see Sawyer and Mia standing near the front door. Dad invites them to breakfast.
Sounds good and Mia and I head to the kitchen. I sit on the stool at the counter and watch as Anastasia and Mia serve us the food as it is made in a serve yourself style. Coffee, teas, cream, sugar, juices, bacon, eggs, pancakes, fruits, butter and syrup. We each get our plates and serve ourselves. I like this it reminds me of my mom and how she handled breakfast time.
I go help Anastasia get things laid out. She was a fast cook or she got up early and prepped things. I have no idea, until I heard Gail, Taylor and Christian approach the counter and take a plate. That made more sense. Apparently Gail brought a welcome to the GEH breakfast down and they had went back up before anyone knew they were here, namely me. Apparently they had to discuss some urgent business and got done and brought this feast down here to us.
Again thanks for bringing this lovely breakfast to us this morning.
You are quite welcome, but it was mr Grey's idea.
I thank mr Grey and he says to call him Christian except at work. Dad grimaced, but left it alone. He definitely no nerd billionaire or dateless. I am turning red thinking about him and he smiles at me, like he knows my thoughts. Okay gun cleaning how to do it and my face goes neutral.
I am stricken by the beautiful girl in front of me. Stuart speaking and breathing. She only 18and she's an intern and an employees child. You are going to be 25 soon. Her blush when she thanked me was beautiful. I have to stay focused and try to keep my head on business.
Oh no, I know that look and it's on both Anastasia and mr Grey's face. I don't know how I would handle it if they start dating. He better not hurt my Anastasia. I know he just broke up with a girl and she went off the rails. Anastasia has a good head on her shoulders and will not let anyone take advantage of her.
I notice the looks going on between mr Grey and miss Steele and hope we don't have a problem. Then I see the huge smile on Gails face and knows she thinks they are a cute couple and the glint is a precursor of what she has in mind. My Gail the matchmaker. She knows Anastasia is 18.
I watch as I see sparks fly between miss Steele and mr Grey. He could barely talk the second he saw her and she blushes a lot, even though she answers him. Ray and Jason don't look too happy.
I have to get things cleaned up and Mia and I are headed to the college to get our courses lined up and get our books as well. Dad can I borrow the van?
Sorry Anastasia if Mia goes, she is driven by Sawyer so you take one of my cars. Please. She isn't happy about it. But accepts it.
She is pretty independent sir, but I think she understands your need your sister to be safeguarded. Now she is by both Anastasia and Sawyer.
We head out after Mia gets changed into her own clothes and Sawyer guides us to one the the GEH fleet of cars.
Don't mind Christian, he is very protective over all his family. Since he built his company there are a lot of threats against all of us.
I can understand that after all his wealth and a lot of people are jealous and greedy that want the money kidnapping can bring possibly.
Ladies where do we need to go today?
The college admittance office first. Then we need to sign up for our courses and buy our books and any other things we need. Did you get your paperwork from GEH to get everything paid for yet?
They gave us everything yesterday. I have everything filled out and signed.
Mom and dad are going to be thrilled that I am even signing up for college. We might run into some of my friends from high school. Don't mind them if they act snobby or anything else.
Oh I know those snobby girls, they aren't worth my thought processes. I give better than I get, that's what comes with a high IQ.

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