A Real Workout

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Anastasia and I show the girls just what she can do and we show them in a way they see how she has been able to take me down. I have each of them try and show them how to do it. I definitely mad going to hurt after today. But they have to learn and the only one I think has potential is Shelby. Kate has the height, but her aggression is getting in her way of taking her attacker down. She telegraphs her moves. Mia has the height and can easily learn, which is my prime objective. Mia being able to take down her attacker is a relief to all of us. If we become unable to protect her she can protect herself. I like the idea Anastasia and her are becoming close friends, because their are times I can't be there and Anastasia is in her course.
I am having fun learning how to take Sawyer down. He knows I am getting my frustration out about having to follow all his instructions for my safety. I have finally taken him down. We have worked hard for three hours. Shelby is a natural, which makes me think she had some training of some sort. And she admitted she had it when she was a kid. We arrange another time for training and I have to get passes set up for that day and will again meet them in the lot. Kate has tried to get Anastasia alone once again and she tells her it's not going to happen. I ask what isn't going to happen and Anastasia says Kate is trying to get her to take her up to Christians penthouse and she refused. She then wanted to see her apartment and she refused to allow that as well.
We all want to see his penthouse, why can't we?
Because he doesn't want Mias friends up there and that means all of them, no exceptions.
What about Anastasia?
I have only been there because we arrived and had to check in with his chief of security and then only in his kitchen and his office alone. We were there to conduct business only. So unless you have business with him that doesn't include trying to seduce him and get him to notice you I am sure he doesn't want you going into his personal environments.
I can understand why he wouldn't want us up there, he probably has things in his penthouse concerning his business and any future business projects he might not want anyone seeing. You don't make the kind of money he makes without keeping his business dealings under wraps. Kate you know how nosy you are and your from a news family. I would let you up into my home if I were him.
I can keep my mouth shut.
It's not your mouth we are worried about keeping shut, it's your legs lol.
I look at Shelby and Kate and both start laughing.
You can't let that go can you?
Nope and Mia can't either. Nothing like finding your friend in your brothers room naked showing off all her goodies. I wished I hadn't deleted that photo. I could have used it for my own devices.
I am glad you deleted that. I haven't done that again. Mrs Grey had a long conversation with me over that incident.
Whose bed were found on?
Don't worry it was Elliott's bed and I was waiting for him when Mia and Shelby found me like that.
And that is why Christian won't allow my friends in his penthouse. He doesn't want to find a naked female showing her cookies on his bed unless he asks them to. So when he found out you doing that he decided none of my friends are allowed into his penthouse. So Kates actions made sure none of my friends will ever be allowed in his penthouse.
I am listening to the girls as they take a break and it doesn't surprise me Kate would be that aggressive and bold to do that. We get back into the training and now I am having them show me what they can do. Anastasia takes me no questions. Shelby does really good for being rusty. Kate still shows her hand so we have to go back through everything and I explain what her errors are and we try again and she adjust, but her eyes show that she is about to attack. I have suggested she relax and move into the attack casually. I explain that when the attacker sees it coming and they can minimize the effects you create. You allow their actions and then disarm them. You know there actions, but your counters you need to surprise them with. That's how Anastasia can take me down. I get Anastasia up and we show them several different positions and how she is able to move into positions to put me off balance. Kate finally gets it and we try again. She finally takes me down. Mia did well too. Leila is scared and that's what might get you killed. I tell her the greatest fear is dying at an attackers hands, when you could save yourself by not being afraid. I asked her if she felt saving her own life against an attacker is worth her being brave enough to do it? She finally stopped being afraid of doing it. She still needs to practice and remind herself that she will be saving her own life and maybe others if she learns and practices regularly. She finally took me down when I put thought that she is saving a loved ones life by taking me down.
Sawyer made me realize that if a person I loved got attacked I wouldn't be able to protect them or myself if I was a coward. I finally took him down and kept hitting him. The girls had to stop me. We made a date to come back for further training.

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