A Different Sort of Day

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Hey guys! If you read chapter one, you probably know that I started writing this story many years ago and am only now getting back to it. I've been editing the old chapters and will be adding new ones soon. I hope you enjoy it!


Greyson and I had been texting constantly all week and I was starting to consider him to be my friend. We had continued playing the question game and I had learned a lot about him since. He lives with his two moms and his four-year-old brother, Nathan. He moved here about a couple weeks ago and was transferring to my school on Monday (it was currently Friday).

I walk along the beach near my house until I get to the part of the seawall where we had agreed to meet. I take a seat and check the time. It's 3:24pm. We were supposed to meet at 3:30. Since I'm a bit early, I open the book I brought with me, The Fault in Our Stars, and continue reading it. This is the fourth time I've read the book, and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't cry this time.

I had just finished chapter eight and was about to turn the page when someone shakes my shoulder and startles me. I jump, and when I sit back down, I'm shivering a bit. I hear a light chuckle and look up to find the face of an amused Greyson. "Not," I take in a deep breath, "funny." I playfully glare at him. "Sorry," he laughs. "I didn't think you would jump that much," he teases. "Yeah, well..." I try defending myself and take in another deep breath, "It's not like it's my fault that I'm... a bit jumpy." "What do you mean?" he questions. "Umm... Never mind. I'm sorry." "No, what did you mean?" He takes a seat beside me. "I don't know," I lie. "I guess I just meant that I can't help it."

"Right," he studies my face, "Well, what do you want to do?" He asks me. I pause a moment. Decisions make me panic. "Um... I don't really care. Whatever you want to do," I tell him. "Hmm..." He seems to be thinking, "Want to go get something to eat?" I look down. I don't really like eating in front of people. "Nah... I'm not very hungry," I tell him. "Okay, um, want to go to the arcade down the street? I haven't gone there before." I smile at this. I go there a lot to get my mind off of life. It's also fun because nobody expects me to talk to anyone there. "Sure," I say, "love to." "Great," he smiles. "Let's go then." "Okay", I start walking.

As we walk, we continue the question game. "So, what kind of music are you into?" He asks me. "Well, I like a lot of stuff, but lately, I've been pretty into alternative/punk rock/punk pop kind of stuff. How about you?" I speak. He smiles at this. "Cool. I'm into a lot of that stuff, too. Maybe we can listen to some music together later," he tells me. "Okay," I smile. "Cool," he says.

We arrive at the small arcade squeezed in between a convenience store and a pizza joint. I go to reach for the door, but Greyson reaches it first and holds it open for me. "What a gentleman," I smirk." Aren't I just?" he chuckles. We each exchange some money for tokens and he asks me where I want to start. I looked around and smile at one of my favorite games: The Fast and The Furious Super Cars. I look to Greyson for approval and see him smiling as well. "Sure," he says, "That works."

After three rounds of racing (I beat him the first time, he won the second, and he won the tie-breaker), I was sulking like the child I am. "You totally cheated," I pout. Greyson laughs at this, "I didn't cheat, Ethan. I don't even think I could cheat in this game." "Yeah, okay," I mumble. "Whatever." "Don't be such a sore sport, kiddo," he teases. "Kiddo?" I laugh. "I'm only two months younger than you." "Two months and..." He pauses a moment, "...and thirteen days." "Oh, right, 'cause that clearly matters," I press. "Exactly," he smiles. "It does not," I giggle. "Does too," he laughs back. "Does not," I nudge his shoulder. Greyson laughs, "Really? You're gonna start this shoving match again?" I blush at the memory of how that had turned out and look down. "Hey," he says softly. "Yeah?" I ask and look up. "Does too," he shoves me back. I laugh at this. A genuine laugh. Something that seems unfamiliar to me.

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