May I Take Your Coat?

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Hey all! Hope you guys are liking the story so far. If you've read the previous chapters recently, you probably know that I started this book a few years ago and just started going back and editing/rewriting the old chapters (this is the last one) and plan to be continuing the story from here. I hope you stick around. Thanks!


I wake up around noon on Saturday (a week after Ethan had slept over). What can I say? I'm a teenage boy. I hang out at home and watch TV until around three, and then I want to do something. It's a nice day out, so I go skateboarding along the beach for about an hour. I pick up a pizza on the way back and bring it home. I have to babysit Nate tonight and I don't feel like cooking. I get home around 5:30 and change into red plaid PJ pants and a black tank top. I'm staying in all night, I don't care about my appearance.

I sit down with Nate and eat dinner. My parents walk into the room at six. They walk over to my little brother, and each kiss him on the head. "Now Nathan, you listen to your brother and be good while we're out, alright?" Nate looks up at my mom and smiles, "Yes, Mommy." "And you'll go to bed at bedtime, right buddy?" my other mom asks Nate. "Yes, Mama," Nate replies with a mouthful of pizza. "And don't talk with food in your mouth," Mom adds. "Okay, Mommy," Nate answers after swallowing. "That's our good boy," Mama smiles. "Take good care of your brother and call if you need anything," Mom says as she hugs me. "I will, Mom. Love you." "Love you too, baby," she replies. "Have fun, you two," Mama says and kisses my head. "Bye, Moms. Love you," I say. "Bye boys, we love you, too," Mama says. They leave and I put my dishes away and clean up after Nate.

"Alright, Kiddo," I smile, "What's first?" Nate looks up at me with a hopeful look on his face. "Can we play on the PlayStation?" He asks. I chuckle lightly. "Alright, little guy. After you brush your teeth and change into your pajamas, we can use the PlayStation," I offer. "Yes!" He cheers and rushes up the stairs to his bedroom. I laugh and follow him.

I find him with his shirt strewn on the floor, pulling a new one over his head. I chuckle at how excited he is, and help him get his arms through the short sleeves. He strips out of his pants and begins pulling on the ones that match his shirt, they have frogs on them. When he's finished, he starts to leave the room before I stop him with my voice. "Hey, hey, hey," he turns and looks at me. "Put your dirty clothes in the hamper," I instruct. He does as he's told and looks to me for approval. "Alright," I say. "Go brush your teeth." He races down the hall and I follow him to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth with his Buzz Lightyear electronic toothbrush and rinses his mouth with his Hello Kitty drinking cup. He spits into the sink and smiles up at me. "Can we play now?" he begs. "Yeah, okay," I laugh. "We can play now."

After about ten minutes of playing Donkey Kong, I receive a text from Ethan. I let Nate play solo and open the text. "Hey Greys," it reads. I smile at the text and reply quickly, "Hey, babe. How're things?" "Things are cool," he answers. "That's good. Whatcha doing?" I ask. "Oh nothing, just hanging out at home and being completely bored," he tells me. I look over at Nate intensely playing Donkey Kong and smile. "Want to come over?" I ask Ethan. "I'm babysitting my little brother, but my moms won't mind," I add. "Sure :)" he sends and I smile and look over to Nate. "Hey Kiddo," I get his attention. "Is it okay if my friend Ethan comes over and hangs out with us?" I ask him. "Yeah," he answers happily. "Okay, buddy. And just so you know, Ethan doesn't talk, but you can talk to him, okay?" "Okay. But how does he tell people stuff?" He asks. "Well, he can type things on his phone and I can read them." "Okay. He can come over." Nate says. "Well, wait. Does he like video games?" He asks cutely. I smile at this and reply, "I'm not sure, little guy. I'll ask him for you." I text Ethan. "Hey E, important question," I send. "Yeah, what's up?" He asks. "Do you like to video games?" I laugh lightly as I send the message. "What, have I been living under a rock? Of course I do!" he replies. "Yeah," I say to Nate, "He likes video games." "Awesome!" Nate exclaims. "He can come over," he says, as though that were the only deciding factor in befriending strangers. I smile and text Ethan. "In that case, you have Nate's permission to come over :P" He replies immediately, "Oh, good. I was hoping he would approve of my visitation :)"

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