Secrets and Bathroom Stalls

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If you've been reading the past few chapters recently, you probably know that I started this story a few years ago and am now going back and editing/rewriting the old chapters and plan to add new ones soon. If you've been reading this story since before 2019, please tell me in the comments. That'd be so cool. Enjoy!

Chapter Four


It's 6:30am on Monday and I'm getting ready for school. I change into dark jeans and a striped sweatshirt. I brush my hair to the side and put on deodorant. I brush my teeth and slip on my black sneakers. I read the text from Greyson, "Hey, kid. Are we still walking together?" I hesitate only a second before replying. "Yeah, of course," I tell him. "And you're only two months older than me!" I add. "Cool. I'll meet you at your house in five?" He sends. "And respect your elders." He says shortly after. "Sure," I send. "Whatever you say, old man." I throw in. I grab my bag from my room and head downstairs. I toss a water bottle and my house keys into my backpack and sling it over my shoulder before leaving my house and sitting on my front steps to wait for Greys.

He arrives shortly after that, wearing a black band t-shirt (as in a T-shirt with a band name on it, not like marching band), black skinny jeans, and a black beanie over his straightened hair. He offers me a hand and pulls me to my feet. "You ready?" He asks. "Yep," I smile and we begin walking down the street. We share a seemingly comfortable silence as thoughts race through my mind. 'Was I wrong about yesterday?' 'Maybe he wasn't going to kiss me. Or if he was, maybe he's changed his mind.' 'Good. He shouldn't waste his time on me anyways.' 'Maybe I'm just overthinking it all and it was just some prolonged eye-contact.' 'Whatever it was, he doesn't seem nervous at all, so it was probably nothing.'

Greyson breaks my stream of jumbled thoughts with his voice. "So, I was told I'm going to be staying in the guidance office during homeroom to get my schedule and everything. Maybe we'll have a class or two together", he speaks. Worries flood my mind and I try my best to ignore them as I give him a smile that's only half fake and say, "Yeah, that'd be cool."

We reach the school and I walk him to the guidance office. "Thanks," he smiles and I return the smile and nod my head. "I'll see you later, yeah?" he speaks and I nod again and wave before heading to my locker. I gather my belongings for class and shut the locker door. I begin walking to homeroom and run into a girl who's always really nice to me, named Teya. "Hey Ethan," she smiles at me sweetly and I wave in return. She walks beside me to homeroom. I try to keep my worries about Greyson in the back of my mind, but they keep flooding to the front. "You alright?" Teya gives me a worried glance. I fake a smile and nod. "You sure?" She asks uncertainly. I nod again. "Alright," she says hesitantly. Let's get to class."

After homeroom, I go to math. I'm pretty good at the subject, so it isn't too bad of a class for me. After that I have science, then history, then lunch. I almost feel bad about how relieved I am that Greyson wasn't in any of my first three classes. I go to the back of the library, the spot in which I sit whenever I have free time at school, and pull out a book.  I munch on the food I brought with me as I read (food isn't allowed in the library, but the librarian loves me, so she always lets it slide). When the end of lunch bell rings, I remain seated. This is my study period, so I get to sit and read for another 45 minutes. After study, I have Spanish. No Greyson there, either. I take my usual seat in English and look around as the late bell rings. No Greyson.

I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my chest. He wasn't in a single one of my classes. Or so I thought. A few minutes after the late bell rings, Greyson stumbles into the room, looking a bit confused. "Sorry," he speaks, looking at our substitute teacher. "It's my first day and I got a bit lost." I notice everyone staring at him. Most of the girls are clearly admiring him and I begin to feel a bit annoyed and angry. Mrs. Riley, our substitute, smiles at him and says kindly, "Oh, that's alright, dear. Since it's your first day." "What's your name, honey?" She asks. "Greyson," he speaks quietly, noticing all the faces on him. I see him relax a bit when his eyes land on me. "Well, Greyson, why don't you sit down in one of the empty seats and we'll start our lesson," Mrs. Riley instructs.

Life Sucks and Then You Die (boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang