An Almost Kiss?

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Hey guys! If you've read the last two chapters recently, you probably know that I started writing this story a few years ago and am now getting back to it and editing/re-writing the old chapters and adding some new ones. Hope you enjoy it!


I wrap a blanket around my shoulders and press "Next episode." I've been watching Doctor Who for about two hours now. I've watched all the episodes tons of times, but I decided to re-watch the entire series on the living room flat screen.

My parents are on some business trip for my step-father for a week, my sister is being babysat by my aunt, and I'm staying home alone. And what do I choose to do on this Sunday afternoon with the house to myself? Watch Netflix. I shove another handful of chips into my mouth and snuggle into the sofa. A sound comes from my phone and I pick it up to see that I have a text from Greyson.

The text is in reply to my saying that I'm home alone for the week. It reads, "Ooh, sounds fun. Any plans? Gonna party it up? Lol" I chuckle lightly and reply, "Not quite. Unless you consider watching Netflix alone to be a party."

I turn back to the T.V. and continue watching until my phone makes a sound again. His reply reads, "My kind of party. Have room for one more?" I pause a moment. I don't see any harm in it. I answer, "Sure, why not?" and send him my address. He says he'll be over in an hour, so I take that time to tidy up my bedroom and the living room, take a shower, and change into dark blue jeans and a blue and white plaid button-down shirt. I brush my teeth, apply deodorant, and spray a bit of cologne on my body.

I receive a text from Greyson saying he's leaving his house and will be here in five minutes. I sit on my couch, my right leg bouncing up in down in anticipation. I don't know why I'm so nervous. I guess it's just because it's the first real time I'll be privately hanging out with Greyson. Alone.


I open his text that reads, "Sure, why not?" And smile. I kind of miss Ethan. Even if it has only been two days since we had last hung out. "When will you be over?" He asks me. I think a moment. I could leave now and be there in five minutes; his house is fairly close to mine. But I kind of want to look good. I'm not exactly sure why I care. I mean, I know Ethan wouldn't judge me, but I want to look at least half-way decent.

I tell him I'll be over in an hour, and take a quick shower. I blow-dry my hair and straighten it. I put on some dark red skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. I put a beanie on over my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant and some cologne, and slip on some black converse. I send a quick text to Ethan and head out the door.

About five minutes later, I arrive at a cozy-looking dark green house. I sprint up the steps and take a few seconds to catch my breath and check my hair in my reflection in the window. I take in a deep breath and knock twice on the door.


I hear two sharp knocks on the door and run over to open it. I stop. I don't want to seem too eager. I count to ten in my head (I'm such a dork) before opening the door and smiling at an attractive-looking Greyson staring back at me. "Hey," he smiles. "Hey," I greet back. "Come on in," I gesture toward my living room. "Thanks," he replies.

I lead him into the living room and guide him to the couch. We both sit down and he glances around the room. "Your house is really nice." "Thank you," I smile. "So..." He starts, "Where's Ellie?" he asks. "She's with my aunt for the weekend," I answer. "Okay," he replies. The air grows quiet. Greyson squirms in his seat a little and my leg starts bouncing again. I hate awkward silences.

"So, um... What were you watching on Netflix?" he asks. "Oh. Doctor Who," I reply. "Really? Cool," he smiles, "I love Doctor Who." "Me too," I say. "What episode do you want to watch?" He asks. "Well, I've been re-watching the series since Tuesday, so I'm on..." I check the T.V. "Angels Take Manhattan," I reply in a sullen voice. "Oh boy, that episode is so sad," he says in a similar tone of voice. "I've only watched it once and I cried so hard." "I've watched it tons of times, but I've never gotten through it without crying either," I tell him truthfully. "I'm kind of a baby when it comes to this stuff," I frown. "Well," he starts, "We could try to get through it together," He smiles at me. "Okay," I smile back. "Just a warning, though, I am quite the cuddler, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me now," he states. "That's okay," I tell him, "I don't mind cuddling you." I'm not sure what gave me the confidence to say that. I've never really cuddled anyone other than family and Sammy (who is practically my sister) before. I definitely enjoyed it, but to be totally honest, I'm a bit nervous to be so close to Greyson. "Cool," he replies with a smile. "Cool," I agree.

(Warning: Doctor Who spoilers)

"Together," Amy says to Rory, tears already building up in my eyes, "or not at all." I have an arm around Ethan and he has his head rested against my shoulder. I glance down to see he's begun tearing up as well, and pull him in closer to me and wrap the blanket tighter around our bodies. He looks up at me and we exchange a small smile.

A few minutes pass and it's at the graveyard scene. "There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me," Rory speaks. "No, I can't. I can't watch,"Ethan says, burying his face in my chest. I stroke his hair softly and smile at his cute behavior. "It's okay," I say gently. "It's alright." I wipe the single tear from my face and focus on the beautiful boy sobbing in my arms. "Shh, shh, shh," I try to calm him." "It's okay, E. It's alright." I kiss his forehead gently and then freeze, realizing what I've done. He looks up at me with a tear-streaked face and blushes lightly. "Thanks," he whispers. "No problem. It's okay. Come on, it's almost over. You can get through it if I can," I tell him. "Okay," he replies, turning back to the screen, but remaining wrapped in my embrace.

"Amy please. Just come back into the TARDIS. Come along, Pond, please," The Doctor begs. "Raggedy man, goodbye," Amy chokes. I have tears in my eyes once again and look down at the smaller boy who is still sobbing in my arms. "Ethan, it's okay. It's okay, E. The worst part is over now. It's alright," I soothe him once more. "Shh, E, please don't cry," I sit up and wrap both arms tightly around his shaking body. He wraps his arms around my waist and cries into my shirt. His sobs are getting softer and lesser now and I kiss his head once more on instinct. "Shh, baby. It's okay," I tell him. I feel him tense up slightly at the word "baby." "Sorry," I retract quickly. "I'm used to comforting my little brother. I didn't mean..." "It's okay," he laughs, looking up at me. I smile down at him and wipe the tears from his face with my thumb. He looks down smiling and blushes again. He looks up at me, embarrassed. "Sorry about getting your shirt all wet," he apologizes. I look down at my tear-stained shirt and chuckle. "It's okay," I ruffle his hair. "Just glad you're feeling better." He laughs at the hair ruffle and smiles, staring into my eyes. I stare back and feel drawn to his gorgeous eyes. Without really thinking, I feel both of our faces leaning closer together. I thoughtlessly start to close my eyes, but they snap open just as quickly, when I hear the sound of his phone ringing.

I sigh and Ethan blushes and moves away from me. "That's um..." he starts awkwardly, "that's my phone," he laughs nervously. "I should, uh, I should check that," he mumbles before standing up and getting his phone from the coffee table. "It's my mom," he says and sits back down on the couch, a couple feet away from me. "I'll be quiet," I assure him and he smiles at me appreciatively. He swipes a finger across the phone screen to answer the FaceTime. "Hi sweetie!" I hear the voice of who I assume is his mom, speak. Ethan waves and smiles. "How are you doing without us home? Is everything alright?" She asks Ethan and he just nods with another smile. "Alright then, honey. I'll call you again to check in tomorrow morning, alright? Text me if you need anything." Another head nod. "Okay. I love you." Ethan smiles and hangs up the call. "Sorry about that," he looks over to me. "It's cool," I tell him. My parents do the same thing when I'm home alone. The air gets quiet and I think we both remember what was happening before the call because Ethan blushes and I begin to feel a bit awkward and nervous. "I... need to use the bathroom," Ethan says quickly and I nod. "Okay," I say and he leaves the room and walks up the stairs. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and swipe a hand over my face. What the hell just happened?


What the hell just happened? Was I... Were we... What... the hell just happened? I kept trying to straighten out my thoughts but I'm having a lot of difficulty. Were we just about to... kiss? I never would have seen that coming. I mean, don't get me wrong, Greyson is extremely attractive and funny and sweet and interesting and cute and... Where was I going with this? Right... He's great. But I don't think he feels that way about me. Maybe I misread the situation. Or what's possibly worse, maybe I didn't. Maybe he is starting to like me. But I can't have that. That's absolutely horrifying. He's so amazing and I'm just... ughh. I don't deserve someone like him. And he doesn't deserve to put up with all of my bullshit.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. Sorry if this chapter was a little boring, but I promise it'll get a lot more interesting very soon and I thought this would be a cute little filler. Please vote and comment, it would mean so much to me to hear from you guys.

Don't forget to wash behind your ears,

Life Sucks and Then You Die (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now