Alpha Baines Alterior Motives

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~Xandria's P.O.V.~

I haven't talked to Gabriel since Monday and this week has been miserable for me. Everyone in the pack is settling in well, or at least I think they are. I've been too caught up in my own thoughts to really pay attention.

It's now Friday and I don't think I can stand not talking to him anymore. I want to talk to him and find out what's really going on, but I don't know if I completely trust him.

I still have visions of the strange man, but recently I've seen the strange woman. She looks so sad. I heard her talking about wanting to see 'her'.

If only I knew who she was I'd help her. I'd help both of them.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Gabrielle waving her hands in front of my face.

"Xandria are you even listening to me?" She asks impatiently.

"Honestly, no I wasn't. I'm sorry Gabbie, but I've got a lot on my mind. What is it that you were saying?" I say, listening this time.

"I was saying that you and Gabriel need to talk about this. I'm tired of seeing the both of you look so miserable." She whines.

"Trust me that's the last thing you want right now." I say sneering.

She was about to speak but there was a knock of the door.

"Alpha Smith the Blue Moon pack is here." One of the pack members informs me before leaving my office.

"Especially not tonight of all nights. It's bad enough I gotta talk to her, talking to Gabriel isn't gonna happen." I say walking to meet the other alpha.

I walk to the front door and see a tall, muscular, cocky looking man. He has jet black hair and piercing brown eyes.

"Hello I'm Alpha Baines. You must be Alpha Smith's daughter." He says shaking my hand.

"Hello Alpha Baines. Sorry to disappoint, but I am Alpha Smith." I laugh.

"Oh sorry for the mix up. You certainly are a young beautiful alpha in deed." He kisses my hand.

From what I can tell he looks to be about 35, maybe older. I smile and lead the way to my office.

Gabrielle being my beta stayed, and Gabriel being my mate felt that he had to stay. We still aren't speaking, but I can't force him to deny his instincts to be by my side.

I look and notice the bimbo sitting next to him, along with another small boy. He looks to be a few years older than Xander.

"Alpha Baines I won't beat around the bush. The young lady sitting next to you hurt my younger brother who is maybe two years younger than the little boy sitting in your lap, she trespassed into my territory, caught an attitude with me, and she also informed me that you aren't too fond of hybrids; and just so we're clear I'm a hybrid. Let's just say my first impression of you and your pack members isn't a good one." I say sitting behind my desk, not wanting to waste time.

His entire face expression changes and his jaw begins clinching very tightly. I can tell that he didn't expect me to be so straight forward with it.

"I would like to apologize for the actions of my daughter, she's very hot headed. I will deal with her accordingly. And to set the record straight I don't hate hybrids. My younger son here is a hybrid. I was taught to hate hybrids at a young age, but I'm older and now I know how foolish it is to do so. I would like to start over and become allies with you and your pack." He rushes out.

I thought he was 35, but now I know he's way older than that. The bimbo is my age or older and she's his daughter, so he has to be in his early 40s maybe older.

The Unknown HybridOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora