Mondays Suck

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~Alexandria's P.O.V.~

I wake up at 5:30, thanks to my alarm clock. I go take a 15 minute shower before school. After my shower I dry my hair and put on some black skinny jeans, a red shirt that says 'I'm Not Listening So Why Are You Still Talking?'. I finish my outfit with my red Converse and my black leather jacket.

After I'm dressed I go get Xander up out of his room. It's only 6:15 so I still have plenty of time before I'm late to school. Xander is dressed and ready for school by 7:00.

"Xander do you want me to cook you breakfast or do you want me take you to get breakfast from somewhere else?" I ask knowing that our parents already left for work. 

"I want donuts and orange juice Xandria." He says following me to the door.

"Fine buddy, I'll take you to Shipley's Donuts before school." I say as he rushes to the car.

As I'm locking the door I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Gabriel, Gabrielle, Blake, and Jake all ready for school.

"You said meet you when we were ready to carpool to school, remember?" Gabrielle asks nervously.

I focus on her thoughts, curious as to why she's nervous.

I hope she's not mad at me. Gabriel already won't talk to me once he found out I accidentally told her about him keeping secrets. He says it's my fault she won't talk to him. She doesn't even know what the secret is.

Her thoughts scream to me, like they're desperate for me to hear them.

Damn, even in her head she babbles. I wonder what's this secret Gabriel's keeping.

Thinking of Gabriel makes me sigh in content. Once I inhale I notice his scent is stronger than anyone else's. I feel the same way I felt with Xander outside only worse. I feel like an animal hunting its prey.

God I need to get this under control before I hurt someone.

I look up and notice they are looking at me confused.

Gabrielle asked me something but what was it? Oh yea, she asked me about carpooling.

"Of course you guys can carpool with me. As long as you don't mind being seen in a minivan." I joke with them finally coming back to reality.

I walk to the minivan with a very impatient Xander in the back seat.

"Hope you guys don't mind but, I promised Xander Shipley's Donuts before school. We'll just make a pit stop there and be on our way to school." I say getting in the car.

We all climb in the car and pull up to the donut shop. I see the drive thru is packed but the place looks empty on the inside, except for the workers and a few customers.

Xander gets donut holes, a glazed donut, and some orange juice.  I just get a box of two dozen mixed donuts, some donut holes, and 5 orange juices.

Once we're back in the car I pass the bag around, letting everyone pick what they like. I'm left with my donut holes, orange juice, and about eight more donuts. I drive the little ones to school first giving Xander a hug and a kiss, reminding him to walk the two blocks to my school once his school let's out. It takes him about 15 minutes to get to my high school, which is enough time for me to be waiting in front of the minivan for him.

After they are out of the car I pull off and drive the two blocks to my school. It's 7:30, the bell rings at 7:45, but class doesn't even start until 8:00 so we still have plenty of time before class.

I pull into the student parking lot, awaiting the cheerleaders to see me so they can mock me. I'm quiet and don't really bother people, but they always seem to find a reason to mess with me. The biggest one here is me being an orphan. It doesn't really bother me though. I've learned to ignore people's ignorant taunting.

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