Xander's 5th Birthday

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~Alexandria's P.O.V.~

I lay awake in bed. It's 2:30 in the morning, officially making Xander's birthday. I went online and bought him a complete replica of The Island of Sodor with all the trains from Thomas and Friends, his favorite TV show. Thinking of it reminds me that I need to wrap up his gift.

I take out the Thomas the train wrapping paper and wrap up his gift. Since it's his birthday, we are spending the entire day together. Our parents let us miss school on our birthdays, so they won't mind. I put the box in my closet.

This week had been pretty boring for me. Gabriel and his family have settled into the neighborhood quite smoothly. I still drive them to school so we still talk and hang out.

I haven't slept since Monday night. I've tried but I simply can't sleep. It feels like I get a goods night rest every night without a single second of sleep. After yesterday I gave up trying, and I'm growing accustomed to the night. Everything about it is absolutely amazing.

I noticed that at night Gabriel and his parents go outside into the woods. They leave around the same time every night, 1:30, once everyone is asleep. They are only gone for a couple hours, but the fact that they do this every night puzzles me.

I thought about asking but don't think it's a good idea. I mean what would you think if your neighbor said 'Sorry but I've noticed you and your parents sneaking in the woods. I noticed because I've been having some sleeping problems after having a few strange dreams about monsters. By the way, I turned into two of the monsters I dreamt about and have no idea how. I also think I'm losing my sanity, humanity, and self control.'

It's not the best conversation to have with your neighbor, besides it's none of my business what they do at their house at night. I find myself daydreaming about those seven monsters I saw in my dream. In each one, no matter which monster it is, they say 'I want out.'

My animal side gets stronger everyday. I'm learning how to control my strength, speed, mind reading, and anger. It seems that I lose control easier when I'm angry. There hasn't been anymore appearances though. I'm starting to see pictures; images of people and things happening. I don't know why our how this happens, but I can tell when it's going to happen. I feel warm, yet cold. Almost like when your sick and get hot and cold flashes. I've only seen two people though.

A tall man, around 6'6 with straight black hair and icy blue eyes. He is always looking for someone or something, and is always angry when he can't find it. He lives in an eery dark castle. There is always a look of determination, sorrow, love, and pain in his eyes.

I also see a woman, around 5'8 with light brown curly hair and deep green eyes. She looks like she's given up hope. When she's around people she puts on a facade of happiness. I think she's keeping a secret from someone. Every time this man comes around she acts too perfect. Only when he's around does she seem to rush conversation, as if she doesn't want to talk to him. She lives in this mansion that is never completely empty and quiet. Her eyes show stress, anguish, and longing.

The images always disappear before I get a chance to find out more. In my art room I have drawings of them from when I was younger. I've been drawing these same people since I was a kid. I used to see them in my dreams, when I could dream. I used to think I was making them up, but now I'm not sure. They look pretty real in my daydreams but they're just that, daydreams. I don't know what's real anymore. It seems like everyday I get a reason to doubt everything I was taught growing up.

Ugh, this is all giving me a headache. I need to get this off my mind. Maybe drawing will help.

I walk in my art room and I'm instantly assaulted by the cold air. I walk back to my room and get my blanket. It's a blanket my real mom made for me. It has several patches of the different things she taught me. I even added a few more patches a couple years ago. I grab a sketchpad and walk over to my window seat, which is covered in pillows.

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