Chapter 2: 345

866 35 21

Warnings: none that I'm aware of

Word Count: 1403

Five hadn't been waiting in the visiting room of the mental facility for long before his brother was brought before him. Diego, dressed in all-white clothing and sporting longer hair much like Five had seen upon his arrival ten days later (or earlier?), hesitated. As if he couldn't believe the sight of his "younger" brother before him. "Five..."

"Hey, Diego," The time traveller watched as Diego took a seat across from him at the metal table. "You look good in white."

"About time you showed up."

"How'd you know I'd be back?"

Diego leaned forward. "Because that's the kind of shit you pull."

"Where are the others?"

He stared at him for a minute, as if he'd have any idea. "They aren't with you? I thought you'd at least know where (Y/N) was."

Five blinked a couple of times, swallowing at the mention of his love, the guilt of possibly scattering his family everywhere crashing on him. "We'll find them, we'll find them... How long have you been here?"

"Seventy-five days. Landed in the alley behind-"

"Commerce and Knox." The two finished together. "I got here this morning."

"How'd you find me?" Diego shifted in his seat, regretting the question when his brother scoffed and took the newspaper out of his pocket and slid it towards him.

"Page sixteen. 'Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested out 1026 North Beckley'. That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house," Five leaned forward as Diego seemed to get a silent kick out of this. "Care to explain?"

"Let's just say... Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of... John F. Kennedy."

"That's because it hasn't happened yet." Five lowered his voice, as well as Diego, to prevent being heard by the lingering guards.

"And it's not going to happen. Not on my watch," When Five looked away in irritation and disbelief, Diego scooted his chair closer to the table and leaned in once again. "Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room. Another day or two, and I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president. You want in, say the word."

"Listen to me very closely, you gibbering moron. You are not gonna do a goddamn thing."

"Why. Not."

"Because we have to stop the apocalypse."

"No shit. But that doesn't happen for another sixty years."

"Not that apocalypse, this is a new one... It followed us. I've seen it. Nuclear war, Diego, in ten days."

Diego stared at his brother and slowly leaned away to sit back in his chair as he quietly laughed, almost resembling a maniac. He crossed his arms with a mocking grin plastered on his face. "And I'm the one they locked up, huh? Fine, I'll play along. What causes it?"

Five scoffed and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe some looney-tuned asshole with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up." He hissed as Diego slowly sat straight, his grin melting away into a look of shock.

"So, you're saying it worked? I saved the president?" The hospitalized man started to live up to his reputation as he clenched his fists and widened his eyes crazily with a growl. "I knew I could do it... Okay, okay, I'll help you."

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