Chapter 3: The Frankel Footage

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A/N: Just a heads up, the sensitive content in this chapter will be marked "<<<<<<" as the beginning and ">>>>>>" to signify the end. The racial slurs used in this chapter were targeted towards African Americans (and still are) and I chose these because I, myself, am African American and used them as a sort of "default" for any POC readers. Please, never use these towards anyone. Whether it be in a "joking" manner or not. They are hurtful and were created to be that way. I wrote this chapter the way I did to bring awareness. Proceed with caution. Much love ❤️

Warnings: racial slurs, violence, mentions of guns and dying/death

Word Count: 3707

Shaking himself out of his shock, Five stood from his seat and hurried after his brother, grabbing onto his arm and stopping his strides. "The hell is wrong with you, Luther? I just told you the world's gonna end in ten days!"

"Yeah, well, you're always saying that." Luther nonchalantly spoke before moving away, but Five intervened yet again.

"And so far, I've been right." He hissed as Luther sighed and shook his head.

"Look, you want to go save the world? Knock yourself out, alright? I already got a job."

"Wait, you work in this shithole?" The boy furrowed his brows.

"Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place," Luther only received a nod from his brother, so he clarified. "I'm his body man."

But this only made Five even more confused. "What's that? Like, a masseuse or something?"

"Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr Ruby."

"Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby? The gangster who shot Oswald."

Despite Five's concern, Luther proudly smiled a smug smile as he glanced over at his boss. "Yeah. The one and only."

"Well, it finally happened," Five sighed. "That gorilla DNA has finally taken over your mind-"

"Hey, watch it, alright? Jack's a good friend-"

"And you're Number One. Numero Uno. Remember?"

Luther clenched his jaw and shook his head. "There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963," When Five stared at him in disbelief, Luther sighed again. "Look, I've been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?"

Five scoffed. "I get it, alright? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I'm sorry, okay? But I'm asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you."

"It doesn't need me," He slowly spoke to draw out his words. "It never did."

"Luther, honey," The waitress from earlier approached the two. "Jack's about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?"

"Ah, shit," He groaned and began walking away. When Five tried yet again to stop him, he whirled on him, his lips pulled into a thin line. "Listen. You're the genius who said we should jump, right? You're the one who got us stuck here. And you're the one who brought Vanya. So, if there is a doomsday coming, she's probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you. That's (Y/N)'s job, being dragged around into your messes-"

"I don't drag her into anything." Five swallowed, blinking rapidly.

"Yeah? Well, she wasn't stuck as a thirteen-year-old and constantly worrying about her kids until you showed up. I'm surprised she isn't sick of you yet." And with that, he stomped away to his boss. This time, Five let him go, his words sending a pang through his chest as he thought back on it. Grabbing his drink, he sighed and shook his head.

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