Chapter 3

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A.N. Thank you for sticking with the story this far. If you're enjoying, please share with friends, and drop me a vote/comment ;). They really do help a lot, and tell me how to make the story better.

Okay, thank you all for reading, I LOVE YOU!

Rob's POV.

I knocked on Dawn's front door, feeling the tension surge through my body. I did not want to do this. She had asked me to go round that night, when I spoke to her outside her classroom on the first day back. I knew this relationship couldn't carry on. Dawn had changed, and not for the better, but is so difficult to end it when your partner is borderline psycho. The door opened slowly.

"Finally!" called the voice that once sent singles through my spine. Now all I feel is anger, and pain. "Well, are you going to stand there all day or come in?" she snapped. I quietly sighed and stepped into the house. After taking my shoes and coat off, I followed Dawn into her front room and sat on the cool leather sofa opposite her. The air was thick with cigarette smoke and it was warm.

"Why am I here?" I moaned.

"You're my boyfriend, this is what couples do," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't have time. You told me this was really important," I sighed, and held the bridge in my nose with my fingers.

"It is important. I'm important," she growled, and walked over to me. I watched her, her blonde hair all messed up and still in her dressing gown, which I presume had nothing underneath. She leant over me so her face was inches from mine, making me instantly stand up.

"Look. I can't do this. Not now," I warned and stepped back. I saw pain in her eyes and they welled up. She stepped back to the mantlepiece. I heard a soft cry when she turned round and put her head in her hands. 'Was I too harsh?' I wondered to myself. 'No! Get a hold of yourself Carey. She knows exactly what she's doing. This girl's mental!' "I'm going now," I said in a small voice stepping towards the doorway.

"WHY?!" she screamed from the top of her lungs, tears streaming down her pale face. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!" she bellowed, before sobbing into her hand a little more. I had no idea what to do. I just froze on the spot, praying I could be anywhere else on the planet. I had to end this.

"Dawn. I can't be with you anymore," I spoke, dreading the consequences. Suddenly, the crying stopped. I didn't dare look at her face, so stared at a mark on the carpet. It was silent for what felt like an eternity and I couldn't bare the tension anymore. I glanced up at Dawn who's face no longer soaked from tears. No. It was angry. It was broken. Terrifying, is what it was. "I'm sorry," I pleaded, taking a step back.

"No," she growled, just above a whisper. "You don't know what sorry is." Before I had a chance to even process what was happening, I gasped at the vase that had just smashed above my head. I took this as my cue to leave. I dashed towards the front door when I found myself dodging random objects that were being hurtled towards me. In my panic of getting out the door I tripped up over the step, and hard. I could hear she wasn't far behind me, and my main priority right now was getting out of her sight.

I finally lost her. It didn't take long, as I knew I could run faster and further than her. Most people could, to be fair. It was only walking back to my house I noticed the throbbing pain in my foot. The pain became more and more agonising with each step I took. There was a small infirmary a few roads down, so I decided to hobble there.

They gave me a support to put around my foot, telling me it was just a minor sprain, and I'd be fine in a few days. This did however, mean my foot wouldn't go in my normal, smart shoes. I'd have to wear trainers, but I couldn't wear trainers with a suit? And what would I tell everyone at work?

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