Chapter 11

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Okay, before I start I just want to apologise for the hiatus. I know it sucks having to dip in and out of storylines but I know how much worse it is when a story is left unfinished when you want to read more; so I'm going to try and keep on top of my updates from now on.

I really, really want to thank every single person who has been voting and commenting on my previous chapters and asking me for an update. You have no idea how much it means to me and how much it encourages me to continue writing - and here I am! Without your support I'd probably have deleted the book so, again, thank you so much to everybody reading!

Enough of my rambling. Enjoy the chapter!


"NEEEEEVER! FORGET WHERE YOU'VE COME HERE FROM! NEEEEEEVER! PRETEND THAT IT'S ALL REAL! SOOOOOME DAY! SOON THIS WILL ALL BE SOMEBODY ELSE'S DREAM! WOOOAAAAH!" I belted out whilst rubbing the shampoo into my hair. The Take That lyrics echoed as I sang them in the shower. Yes, I sang in the shower. Always have, always will. When Rob and I are married and living in our own house together he's going have to deal with my awful screeching. Though I have to schedule my showers and hair washing days, so once he's figured out my patterns he could plan his outings accordingly, whether it's to the shops, to see a friend, or even to the solicitors to file our divorce papers because he can't take it anymore...

Wait, marriage? In our own house? Wasn't I getting a little bit ahead of myself? Oh well. Right in that moment I didn't have a care in the world. Everything was good as I belted out the rest of the tune. "AND WE'VE COME SO FAR! AND WE'VE REACHED SO HIGH! AND WE LOOKED EACH DAY AND NIGHT IN THE EYE! AND WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG! AND WE HOPE FOR MOOOOORE!" I sang in an unbelievably high pitched voice that even I was surprised that I didn't smash all the glass in the bathroom. I rinsed my hair and turned the water off before wrapping a towel around my body and another smaller one around my hair. Continuing my tune as only a hum now, I sauntered back to my bedroom to put my clothes on. I had the whole day to myself before college tomorrow and I was going to savour it.

"What you up to?" sent @ 10:24am

Rosie. I replied almost instantly.

"Just watching Top Gear. You?" sent @ 10:25am

She replied just as quickly,

"Not that show again. You must be mad. Let's do something." sent @ 10:26am

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes - that show again. Richard Hammond is a beauty and don't argue with me. But yeah I'll join you. What you wanna do?" sent @ 10:28am

It took a few minutes for her reply,

"No, I'm not going to argue with you about that. I made that mistake once and never will I again." sent @ 10:32am

"And I don't know. Do you want to go out or stay in?" sent @ 10:32am

I mulled it over before concluding I fancied a quiet Sunday.

"Probably in." sent @ 10:34am

I regrettably had to turn Mr. Hammond off and get my things together.

"Okay, get your butt over here asap so I can ask you all about Robert ;)" sent @ 10:35am

I laughed.

"It's Rob ffs. Okay, hopefully I'll manage to get the 10:50 bus." sent @ 10:36am

She replied,

"RUN FORREST RUN!" sent @ 10:36am

to which I rolled my eyes and laughed. She was right, though. I had to get a move on otherwise I'd be waiting another 25 minutes for the 11:15 bus. I grabbed my phone, keys, purse - all the essentials, before heading quickly out the door to meet my best friend.

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