Chapter 16

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The alarm on my phone blared, startling me at first as I had no idea what century it was. I sat up in bed for a few seconds to adjust from my unusually deep sleep before dread filled me as I remembered the misunderstanding that had occurred with Rob yesterday. I groaned and flopped back down into my bed. I absolutely did not want to go into school and deal with that today. But after being off ill a few weeks ago and being off at the end of this week for the court trial too, I really couldn't afford to get any more behind on school work. I'd recently begun to cram my hour long homework tasks into the 15 minute break we have in the mornings.

I sighed for what felt like the six thousandth time and rolled over in bed to look at the pile of clothes on my chair. I shook my head at the mess, knowing full well that it was a nightmare finding anything decent to wear in it. But where else am I going to put the clothes that are too clean for the laundry and too dirty for the wardrobe.

Yet again, I found myself procrastinating and decided to drag myself out of my warm duvet. I hobbled over sleepily to the pile and pulled out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a cropped woolly jumper. I felt the same feeling of dread wash over me as I finished getting changed and reached for my college bag. Does Rob actually think I cheated on him? Did I overreact or did he? Is this even going to work if he's going to get jealous of every boy my own age that I spend time with? I took a moment to compose myself before quietly slipping down the stairs, knowing my Mum would still be asleep from her late shift.

A long, tin foil wrapped object met me at the front door with a note attached, reading: 'Thank you for dinner. Here's some breakfast in return. Have a good day. Mum x.' I smiled knowing full well from the length and weight of the package that it was a rolled up pancake with Nutella spread in the middle. Although I wasn't a breakfast person, I was a Nutella pancake person.

On the way to college I scoffed my delicious treat and listened to David Bowie. A surprisingly good trip considering where I was going. But the fun soon stopped as I arrived at the gates that swarms of students were passing through in time for the bell. I reluctantly filed in and headed to my Media with the strange foreign substitute.

The lesson dragged as I gazed out of the door across the corridor to Rob's room. I couldn't see him or his desk, but I could see the back of the classroom where it looked as though one of his students was asleep. Lucky guy.

"Homevurk?" the lady whose name I still did not know how to pronounce asked, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Uh," I started, thinking about what homework was even set.

"This ees not good enough!" she shouted. I'm guessing no one else in the class had done it either. "You all are having examinations soon you should be doing ze homevurk!"

"Sorry," was all I could muster as I still genuinely couldn't even remember what she had asked us to complete. She muttered something in another language under her breath as she walked away making some of my classmates snigger. It may have even raised a smile out of me if I wasn't so preoccupied thinking about where I stood with Rob.

"Excuse me," an all too familiar voice said at the door making my head snap round. Speak of the Devil.

"Oh hellow Rob," she said. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, can I just borrow Kate for a second? I need to check something with her about her coursework," he said. I was astounded. My Media sub gave her consent and I quickly slipped out of the classroom. Rob didn't say anything to me as he walked down the corridor. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed him which took quite a lot of effort as he was walking very quickly.

"Rob?" I called from behind him. No response, he just continued walking, heading to the library. "Rob," I repeated, more angrily. Why would he call me out of a lesson to speak to me and walk off like a child? "Rob. Will you stop being so immature and tell me what's going on?" I said with a little more force than intended. He turned to face me as we reached the library door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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