Chapter 4

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Another chapter up tonight, you lucky lot ;). The past few chapters have been pretty short (sorry about that), but once things kick off, I'll be able to write a lot more. I love writing this story but I can only carry on with your encouragement, as you're the reason I'm writing this. Thanks for reading so far, I can't wait to post all the student/teacher bits in the next couple of chapter once everything's been set up :D. Please leave a comment and tell me what I'm doing right, what I'm not, and feel free to vote ;). Thank you all for reading, it means a lot!


Kate's POV.

"What the hell are you wearing?!" I bellowed, erupting into laughter.

"Don't be so bloomin' rude!" Rob fought back, faking hurt. I looked down at his grey trackies and hoodie, wiping tears from my eyes. "What are you wearing?" he retaliated.

"My uniform, like a normal person..." I pointed out. I saw a flicker of amusement cross his face. He really did look silly, but for some reason I felt myself being kind of attracted to him. His hair was extra fluffy and his eyes stood out even more in this light. And for some reason, even in his ridiculous outfit, he looked happier today than he has for a while.

"Well maybe you should wear a coat that actually fits," he replied, referring to my jacket that was slightly baggy on me.

"Well that is rude," I stated plainly. He grinned at me, showing those perfect pearly whites. My face was beginning to heat up again so I decided to end the conversation.

"I have to go, but I will see you after break," I smiled, trying to get past him. He blocked my way.

"That depends on whether you will continue to insult me and my fashion choices," he stated with a raised eyebrow. 'Fashion choices?' I laughed to myself, but didn't say as I was trying to get away before I turned into a tomato.

"Okay I will not insult your 'fashion choice' anymore," I said with air quotations. He nodded and stepped out of my way, so that I could dash to the bathroom and sort myself out.

Rob's POV.

After a morning of torment over my clothes, I finally slumped in my chair waiting for my class to arrive. Kate walked in soon after the bell and sat at her desk. "You were quick," I smiled. She laughed lightly.

"My last class was media, just down the corridor, and we had a supply so we weren't kept behind like we usually are with Dawn," she explained to me. 'Supply?' I thought to myself. Dawn must have taken the day off. That explained why I hadn't been killed today. I nodded at Kate who flashed me a smile. I know teachers aren't supposed to have favourites but... well, this is an exception.

The rest of my class walked in and inevitably, I received a few comments about my outfit. I didn't mind really. I knew I looked like an idiot. Once everyone was settled I got up out of my chair and wandered over to the front of my desk and leant against it. I gave everyone the lesson to finish their work on Deborah Tanning while I marked some of my other students' work.

The bell sounded and everyone began to pack up an leave. "Thanks, sir," Kate said to me softly as she walked past my desk. I smiled as she walked out. She was so polite.

Kate's POV.

Remembering that Rosie, Jack and Ryan had biology revision, I walked into the cafeteria alone to grab a quick sandwich. As I sat down and took a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich, Rob walked in with his mug of tea. He grinned as he spotted me. "Hold this for me while I grab some lunch," he smiled. I rolled my eyes and took the cup off him. Another older English teacher was walking behind him.

"Exploiting your students are we?" She asked playfully.

"She loves me really," he winked discreetly at me and brisked off, which was good because I was turning pink, again. 'Pull yourself together, Kate. He's your teacher!' I warned myself mentally.

He soon returned with a chicken mayo sandwich and took his tea back off me. "Thanks," he chuckled and walked off. I smiled and watched him walk away.

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