Chapter 10

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"What's this about you cheating? You've only been together a couple of days," I said, trying to control my anger at him hurting my best friend so much.

"I didn't. I swear. You have to believe me, Kate," Jack said with a genuine tone.

"I'm not accusing you of anything but Rosie is pretty broken right now. You need to sort it," I said.

"I know. I just don't know what to say. She won't listen to anything I say," he replied sadly.

"Right. Leave it with me. Are you free this afternoon?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" he questioned.

"I'll get her to meet you in town or something," I said.

"Okay. Thanks, Kate. I don't know what I'd do without you," he chuckled.

"Shut up," I laughed. "Speak later. Text her your arrangements." I hung the phone up and proceeded to call Rosie. I felt like some sort of cupid sorting everyone else's relationships out. I just hoped once all of this blew over that they would be able to help me in return with Rob.

"Rosie? Hi. Look, I know you don't really want to see him right now, but I spoke to Jack on the phone and he doesn't want to hurt you. I think you should meet him and sort things out," I spoke.

"Oh, Kate. I don't know if I can," she sighed.

"Please, Rosie. I hate seeing you both like this. You have to sort it. Jack promised to explain," I said. My argument was met with a short silence.

"Fine, I'll go," she said reluctantly. I beamed.

"Yay. Well he said he would text you with the details. Good luck. Let me know how you get on," I replied before she promised to and hung up.

The rest of that day and indeed the half term holiday flew by; as it always does. I made the most of it by cramming it with as many Top Gear episodes as I possibly could. I did the odd bit of revision here and there for the mocks coming up but didn't over do it. As for Jack and Rosie, things managed to sort themselves out and they're now shipped as Josie.

I was nervous to go back to school on Monday. Who knows what Rob would be like when I saw him. Maybe he would regret what he did and want nothing to do with me. I think that would destroy me. He's all I've been thinking of and dreaming of this week. That might be weird but we just get on so well and I feel like he's someone I can really trust and talk to about anything. He's so kind and seems genuinely cares about what is going on in my life. And those eyes...

I had to slap myself out of the daydream that I had managed to slip into for the millionth time today. "Pull yourself together, Kate," I whispered harshly to myself before heading out to the car where my mum was waiting to drive me to school.

"Hi, sweetie. You ready?" she asked. I nodded quietly and got into the car, the nerves really beginning to settle in. "What's wrong?" I looked up to my mum who had concern in her expression.

"Hm? Oh, nothing," I said softly. I wasn't getting away with that.

"C'mon. Tell me. You can't go to school like this," she said. I gritted my teeth nervously, wondering whether to say anything or not. It's not like Rob and I were a thing or anything. But we did kiss. I could trust my mum with anything but did I really want to complicate things with getting more people involved. Sighing softly, I knew she had to know.

"Well, you know my English teacher, Rob?" I asked.

"Ooh. I do," she grinned, obviously liking him from when they met on parents evening. I chuckled.

"Well, I've been speaking to him a lot more recently. I don't want you to be mad with me or him. I just really like him a lot. He always takes so much care of me and, well. We kissed last week. I'm just nervous about seeing him today in case he's having second thoughts," I said. a little too embarrassed to look at my mums reaction.

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