Chapter 7

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Kate's POV.

The next day dragged a lot, but I knew I'd have a nice reward of double English with Rob at the end of it. I skipped in cheerfully and took a seat at my desk. I shot sir a cheeky smile which he happily returned.

"How are you today? I'm surprised you didn't get a fever walking in that monsoon of a storm yesterday," he chuckled. I nodded.

"Didn't have a chance to since I was bundled into your car a few meters after I'd started walking," I retaliated.

"And you were already drenched!" he laughed. I couldn't disagree with him. I was pretty soaked.

We were interrupted by the sound of the other classmates barging through the door. 'Rats' I silently thought to myself. "Okay, settle down now guys," he started, and began talking about our exam techniques. I really wanted to work on that so I knuckled down on my paper. I was so involved with it that I didn't notice Dawn come in and walk over to Rob. I only noticed her when she started to lean on my desk that was positioned at the front of the room, directly opposite his..

Every time she moved, it would move my desk, causing my pen to go off line and draw across my page. After this happened three more times I calmly placed my pen on the desk an  counted to ten in my head. 'Just chill out, Kate. She'll be back to her room soon,' I thought. As I was counting, all I could hear was faint whispering and flirtatious giggling from her. I peered over at Rob who didn't look too pleased to be in her company either. 'He doesn't want you,' I smirked. 'Such a tw...'

The next word I thought surprised me, as I hardly ever swear, but what surprised me even more was that I did not in fact think those words... I said them.

Dawn turned around slowly and I took a big gulp. "What did you just call me?" She asked bitterly, looking at me as if I'd just thrown dog poo at her face, which was a really funny thought that I shouldn't have laughed at, especially at that moment in time.

"Mr. Carey and I are trying to have a grown up convention, so if you'd like to get back to your little test paper, we'd really appreciate that," she mocked quietly in a whisper. That was so it.

"Alright Miss. Hardy-Mardy-Bum. I'm sick to death of you and your whining and the way you treat us all the time. No one likes you and I don't know why it won't sink into that big fat skull of yours!" I exclaimed in slight disbelief of what came over me. By now I could feel everyone's eyes glaring into me. Wide eyes of shock and horror. Dawn's face went slightly pale as she took a step towards me. I swear she would've hit me if Rob hadn't pulled her back.

"Step outside for me, Kate," he said calmly. 'Not him as well. Surely he can see it, surely he can see what a complete bit...' My thoughts were cut short by Dawn herself walk in  out the door. I was astounded when she went to walk past me without saying a word until she stopped and backed up a bit.

"There's nothing you can do to keep me and Rob apart. I can tell you have a school girl crush on him, but your  just a pathetic little girl, and he's a man. He's my man. You won't come between us," she whispered distastefully. She continued to walk across to her classroom as tears welled up in my eyes. Rob opened the door and could see I was upset. With concern, he invited me in, whispering, "please see me at the end." I wasn't angry at him for giving me what I presumed was a detention. I surprised myself with that outburst.

Thankfully she didn't come back in for the rest of the lesson and it ran pretty smoothly. The final bell rang signalling everybody except me should pack up. I continued scribbling  notes on my paper until I suddenly realised everyone had left. Sir took a seat opposite my desk just as he'd done yesterday.

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