Chapter 13

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I was soon back to school and although I was thrown back into things pretty quickly, part of me was glad. Despite the occasional stares from people who knew what happened - which was practically everyone, I liked being at college for the distractions. My new media teacher was a bit odd. Hungarian and slightly difficult to understand at some points. Anything was better than Dawn, though, and she did make for some amusing scenarios.

For example, she once had a phone call from who we presumed to be her partner or something, and they must have been talking about what they were having for dinner. She was going on about this 'hedecke' she had. A few of the girls offered her paracetamol for her headache from their big handbags, but she didn't want them.

"But it will help ease the pain" I remember one of the girls explaining.

"No. I vas talkeeng abaout ze hedeck" she would reply, getting increasingly more frustrated at us all, who had no idea what she meant.

Anyway, turns out she was actually referring to the 'haddock' she had at home. They were having fish pie for dinner.

It was also nice to be back because it meant Rob and I could see each other in the day. Obviously, everything had to be very, very discreet. Especially in lessons.  But there was always a subtle difference in how he spoke to me compared to the other students in the class. If someone needed his help he would kneel down opposite them at their table, but with me he stood and looked over my shoulder so that I could feel his warmth radiating from him, and his hot breath on my ear. I often had to bite my lip and I never took in anything that he said to me.

I'm glad that he made sure I was treated normally despite everyone now knowing what had happened. I recall there was a debate on what the difference was between rainforests and jungles. Who knows why, but I wasn't really listening until Rob's voice called over to me.

"Katherine, you're a geography expert. Maybe you can tell us?" he said. I raised my eyebrow as he shot a cheeky smirk over at me. I wasn't letting him embarrass me like that.

"Well actually it's to do with the climate. Rainforests go through much more extreme weather conditions, and jungles are hotter," I lied, and I'm pretty sure he knew it.

But it seemed to fool everyone else who all got back on with their work.

He also liked to call me names like 'Mad Cow' which I still find rude.


Rob's POV

"I'm just nipping to the loo," Kate told Sarah, the geography teacher, before running to find one. We were at the train station waiting to go on the field trip to London Docklands. I offered to help out on the trip before Kate even told me that she was going but it was a nice surprise when she did.

Suddenly an announcement sounded. "Ladies and gentlemen, please keep in mind that the next train to London at 9:47 splits at Farnborough. For those wishing to travel to London please sit in the first three carriages." Sarah and I looked at each other and chuckled.

"If keeping all the kids together wasn't going to be hard enough," I joked and she smiled.

"I know. At least it's a fairly small group today," she replied. I nodded. There were only 12 of them.

Kate soon returned to the group, flashing me a discreet little smile. I smiled back and walked over to her before pulling the hat off her head, revealing her hat hair.

"Oi! Give that back!" she shouted, trying to jump and grab it when I held it above her head. Bless her small height - she was so cute. I put the hat on my own head and moved away every time she tried to get it back which made the wait for the train much more amusing. I stole her gloves out of her coat as well making her increasingly more frustrated.

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