Chapter 15

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"I love you," I heard his voice repeat in my head.

I replayed the moment again and again in my mind as I watched the TV aimlessly.

"What are you so happy about?" my Mum asked, snapping me from my day dream. I only realised then that I'd been grinning like an idiot.

"Oh, the guy just said something funny," I said, pointing to the TV where there was a pretty dull politics show. Smooth, Kate.

"Right," my Mum laughed. "Did you and Rob have a nice time last night?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me as he tied up her hair for work.

"Mum stop," I giggled.

"I saw the big bear. Did he win that for you?" she cooed. I gave her a little smile that answered her question. "That's so sweet. I'm glad you had fun. Right, I'm back at work as of today, so you'll have to help yourself to dinner if that's alright."

"No problem. I'll leave you some in the microwave for when you get home," I said.

"Thank you, Sweetheart," she said grabbing her bag and kissing my forehead. "See you later," she called before rushing out to the car. I continued to mull over the events of the previous night before my phone lit up with a text from Rosie.

"Hey kiddo, what you up to today? x" Sent @ 9:56am

I replied instantly.

"Not a lot, chilling really. Wanna do something? x" Sent @ 9:56

My phone lit up again.

"Sure! What did you have in mind? I have a voucher for 10 pin bowling? x" Sent @ 9:59

I smiled. We arranged to meet in town in an hours time and walk up to the bowling alley together. After everything that happened over the past few weeks I haven't had time to chill with friends so I was actually really looking forward to spending the day with Rosie.


"Hey, Queen," Rosie greeted me, pulling me into a hug. I squeezed her back.

"Well hello there. It feels like ages since we last did anything like this," I smiled as we walked up the street, linking arms.

"Yeah you're a changed woman now that you're in a relationship," she nudged.

"Hey, that's not true. You know a man will never come between us," I promised, nudging her back. She giggled.

"Not even the sexy Mr. Rob Carey?" she winked.

"Shhhh," I said with wide eyes and a grin, finding her amusing but also concerned about our secret. "Anyways, I'm not entirely to blame, you're loving it up with Jack," I countered. Ha! I love when I beat Rosie in an argument - she's so stubborn. "How are you guys, by the way?" I asked.

"Yeah we're good. We're thinking of taking it to the next level," she said softly as we walked into the bowling alley. Noise of pins being knocked over echoed and the music from all the arcade games mixed with the cheers of the kids having fun and the cries of one child not having so much fun.

"No way?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah. What do you think? We've been dating a few months and we both feel ready," she explained.

"I mean, if you feel ready and that's what you want. I'm really happy for you guys," I smiled before we approached the desk to book a lane. Rosie got us 20% off with her voucher and we split the rest of the fee before getting our ridiculously slippy bowling shoes.

We found our lane and the computer was ready to input our names.

"You can be player one... Smelly bum," Rosie typed.

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