#6 confrontation

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"now turn"

Hawks pov:

I do as he says, for my own safety. I could try to fight him but my wings are already drained of energy, besides, I have no idea who else he could've brought with him. If I even managed to get out, there could be plenty of villains surrounding us and my efforts would be pointless. There's no way out of this. I just have to wait.

His figure stiffens slightly as I turn, almost preparing himself for something and he steps forward slightly. My neck tenses as he reaches for my face, expecting a harsh grip. But instead I'm met with an almost gentle touch. His grip is still firm, making sure I don't move, but not nearly as threatening as a few moments before.

He tilts my head slightly from side to side as I stare at his gaze. His eyes look focused and I can almost see his brain work, as if he's examining my features.

After a few minutes, Dabi let's go, letting my face drop with a scoff.

Dabi pov:

His stare doesn't leave my face as I shove my shoulder past him. He clearly knows not to do anything rash.

I snake my hand onto his wing, earning a reclusive shiver from the hero in return. I think for a moment and with one harsh yank, I pull out a single red feather, causing keigo to yelp in pain.

"HEY!!" he attempts to swipe at my hand but I grab his wrist and twist his hand back.
"Now now birdie, don't cause such a fuss." I twirl the feather in my hand, taunting him as it spins. "This stays with me until I leave. Just so you don't try anything funny."

The blonde scowls and glares up at me as I move away, looking around. The room is quite cramped considering his wingspan, I would've thought he'd need more room to stretch.

"Dont your wings hurt all day?"

"What???" He turns to face me fully and steps forward slightly.

"Your wings. Don't you need space to stretch?"

He shrugs slightly and flutters the end of both wings, sending a small gust of air around the room.
"Yea but I have the outside world for that."

Hawks spares a quick glance out the nearby window before turning his attention back to me.
"Why are you even here?"

Keigo pov:

I can see his face twist slightly in frustration as soon as the question leaves my mouth.
"You'll find out soon"

I furrowed my brow. I had so many questions, though I knew the villain wouldn't answer them. He's far too focused on making sure I don't do anything troubling for him to care for questions.

Still, I try my hardest to squeeze some information out of him. It's better to have at least a small clue of his intentions than nothing.
"Why have you been following me?"



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