#8 memories

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It's been a full week since dabi visited me.
A full week since I betrayed my oath as a hero and decided to help the league.

Of course I try to continue my patrols and work as normal as possible. But it's hard when you have to betray what you've known since childhood.

I still haven't received any information on my old friend. The wound-littered villain avoids the subject whenever I choose to pester.

I can't help but let my mind wander to memories of my beloved Touya throughout the day.

We were so close before he disappeared....

....before he left me alone.

If it weren't for endeavour, I'd still be zoned out, staring over the beach horizon. Unfortunately for me, I'm still technically a hero. Meaning I can't spend the whole day wallowing in memories of what I've lost.

Right now, I'm perched on the rooftops of town- watching crowds below me. People are swarming market stalls, the yell of bargaining flooding the air miles in every direction.

This is the prime environment for pickpockets and theives, taking advantage of distracted sellers and shoving customers. Just a quick slip of the hand is enough to make a profit.

Then something catches my eye. A little girl, all alone, crying. There doesn't appear to be any parents around, or anyone who'll pay any notice to her at all.

I swoop down to the ground, careful of those around me and making sure my wings don't hurt anyone.

Folding in my wings, I make my way over to the child and crouch down.
"Hey kid, are you alright?" I speak quietly in the softest voice I can manage.

Her head shoots up, startled by the sudden figure in front of her. Her hair is draped across her cheeks, stuck to her face with pooling tears.

I felt a pang at my heart. This poor girl can't be more than four or five.
She doesn't respond, still too frightened to say anything, sobs shaking through her entire body.

"Hey, hey it's ok. I'm hawks, I'm a hero here to help you, ok? What's your name?"

There's a breif moment for silence before a timid voice pipes up.
She fiddles with the ends of her hair, avoiding eye contact with me completely.

"Well Izumi-" I begin, "are you here all alone? Are your parents around?"

Apparently asking the second question was a huge mistake, because the fragile girl immediately broke into tears again.

"It's alright!" I try and calm her to the best of my abilities, shushing her cries and not prodding too much into the subject of parents.
"How come you're all the way out here?"

She hiccups and rubs at her teary eyes with her fists. "Mama said my quirk wasnt good enough. She got mad and I had to run. Mama's real scary when she's mad."

I couldn't believe it. I mean sure, this kind of stuff isn't as rare as some think- some people are so obsessed with the idea of powerful quirks that they sabotage their family for it.
But this girl. Shes so young, so fragile: it's insane how some people can just abandon who their supposed to love.

She reminds me of touya.

"Tell you what Izumi-" she perks up to look at me at the mention of her name. "Why don't you come with me for now? It's not very safe out here in the market place."

She thinks silently, still playing with and twirling her hair. "Not back to mama right?"

"No kid. Not back to your mama."

Authors note:

Hey guyssssss. Wowow new chapter! It's been a while but I'm trying to publish again. Thx for still reading!

619 words

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