#3 encounter

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A tall figure draped in dark clothing steps forward. His face is painted with purple scars and looks as if its barely held together by a few staples. "Hello hero" a small smirk pulls at his lips as he speaks.

I back away slightly, grabbing one of my feathers in a defensive position. I don't understand, why isnt he attacking. What did he mean by he knew i would come. I curl my wings in towards me, almost shielding my body, still in a protective stance. "If you're not here to attack, why are you here?"

I watch as he chuckles and lowers his head slightly and turns away. "Just checking up on an old friend." An old friend? I open my mouth to speak again but im cut off by an overly energetic girl bouncing out of the shadows.
"Cmon dabi! This is boring. Cant we just stab the guy?" She twirls a worryingly large knife between her fingers and grins. I shuffle backwards slightly, trying to make my way away from them.

Her smile drops, as he waves at her dismissively. "Let the birdie be, toga. I said we weren't here for a fight and i meant that."  He glances over me one last time and turns back to the shadows, toga hesitantly following behind.

I dont move from my spot, im so confused. What the hell just happened? I just encountered two of the most dangerous villains in japan and they didn't attack me? Honestly im slightly dazed by the situation.

I pause for a few moments and try to gather my thoughts again, staring into the now empty darkness. The flames surrounding me have gone out, including the one i saw when i landed, leaving only the recognisable embers floating in their place. 

Time skip brought to you by a sonic boi

Dabi pov
I hoped i would see keigo again and i wasn't dissapointed. All it took was a small flame or two and he eagerly followed my trail. I doubt he remembers me, he looked extremely confused and frightened when toga and I approached him. I cant blame him though, my look has changed a lot since our last meeting.

I tilted my head slightly to the people gathered by me. Toga and shigaraki are busy talking by the window and twice is in the corner having a conversation with himself, switching personalities rapidly. I let out a heavy sigh and turn to himiko, "hey pigtails!" She spins her head in my direction and smiles, nodding slightly. I gesture towards twice and her gaze swiftly follows. I chuckle slightly as she rushes over towards him, trying to calm him down.

Crusty looks a bit offended that their conversation was cut short but he doesn't say anything, he just watches the dainty girl speak to twice and calm him.

After a few minutes both of them stand up and continue to talk with handyman.
I scoff slightly and walk out, making my way to my room. As soon as i enter, i fall onto my not so comfortable bed and stare up in thought. I wonder if keigo will look for me after today. Maybe he'll try and find my flames again.

Authors note

Wow dabi's pov. Bet you didn't expect that.
This is where you say "no author, we were totally surprised at that." Even though you probably weren't.

565 words

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