#9 Izumi

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Izumi pov:

Mr Hawks seems nice enough. We've been walking through all the big market stalls and lots of tall people were around. He hasn't let go of my hand yet cos he says it's so I don't get lost.
I don't mind! His hands are suuuuper big compared to mine and are really really warm.

I wanna stay as close to Mr Hawks as possible, almost smushed up against his leg. People are scary.

Hawks pov:

Trying to utilize my wings, I push past the buzzing groups of shoppers, keeping a good grip on izumi's hand. The poor girl is practically clinging on to my leg at this point and I assume she's trying not to be swept up by the swarm of pedestrians.

I let out a small sigh before scooping her up in my arms, causing her to squeak in surprise. I cant help but chuckle. "I think it'll be easier if I just carry you. Is that ok?"

She nods slowly, adjusting her position on my hip and hesitantly leaning her head on my shoulder.

Jeez this kid is light. I mean yea I'm pretty strong but it's like I'm holding almost nothing. How tiny is this child??

And then I feel something that stuns me. Oh god- I push her up slightly and slyly press my hand on her side. I can feel her ribs. There might as well be no skin on her at all. Each bone sticks out from her frame like blades.

"Hey Izumi?" I hear a small hum in response as we make our way away from the market place.
"Let's go get something to eat. I dunno about you but I'm pretty hungry" I guess by now that she won't accept anything if I mention it's specifically for her.

She thinks for a moment then shrugs and leans back into me. "Ok then."

I smile and move into an open area, stretching my wings out completely and tightening my grip on Izumi.
"Hold on tight kid."


Time skip brought to you by the sassiest disco ball


I watch as she clumsily slurps on her ramen, broth and seeds plastered over her cheeks. She seems to have calmed down a considerable amount now.

I pick up a napkin from beside me and gently wipe her face, chuckling at how messy her food had gotten.
"The ramen's supposed to go in your mouth kid, not around it."

I see a slight pout tug at her lips. "Sorry mister hawks."

"It's alright kid don't worry. I was just joking with ya." I reassure the child and ruffle her hair before handing her chopsticks back to her.

She glances up at me gratefully before digging back into her meal, re-coating her face in food.

While she's eating, I pull my phone from my pocket, swiping through my notifications. Nobody's responded about Izumis situation yet.

I might have to take her home for the night.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I turn my attention back to the little girl, who's now slurping up the rest of her broth and stacking her empty dishes on mine.

"Did that taste good?" I chirp light-heartedly, yet again wiping her cheeks.
She nods happily, kicking her feet back and forth from under the table.

"It was sooooooo yummy! I never get to eat that yummy food!!"

"You got room for dessert?"

Her excitement and gratitude shone through, with a loud gasp and an adorable smile that I had not seen before. "I'm allowed to have dessert?!"

Authors note:

Hi guys!! I know not much happened this chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. Izumi is too cute

611 words

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