#7 silence

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"Why have you been following me?"

He steps closer looking away before turning back to me with mischief in his eyes, our faces now only inches apart. I shuffle back cautiously as he tightly grips the feather in his palm.
"As i've said before, visiting a friend."
He leans back smugly, taking note of my confused expression, "youre not making any sense, staple boy"

Dabi glares daggers straight through me, instantly shattering my short phase of idiotic confidence and shooting me down.
'Watch your tone hero. You wouldnt want to cross a line," he spits his words angrily at me then soon regains his former stance. The villain turns for a moment before falling back onto my couch, slouching back with his hands resting behind his head, "sit."

I obviously listen, sitting upright in the seat behind me, waiting for his next action. He didnt say anything for a short while, only sighing while looking around the room. "I need you to do something for me keigo."

Did i just hear that correctly?? Dabi, one of the most well known villains in the entirety of japan, needs me? What on earth could he need me for? I turn my full attention towards him as he sits forward, his arms resting on his thighs, thinking of what to say next.

"I need you to join the league."

I cant help but laugh loudly at his statement, covering my mouth and my eyes creasing with humour. The beef jerky man simply kissed his teeth in annoyance while rolling his eyes. I speak still giggling to myself as i catch my breath, "im sorry but you cant be serious! How stupid do you have to be to think I, hawks: the number two hero of japan, would ever join the enemy." A stupid grin is still is still plastered on my face and i can feel dabi's glare dig into me again.

"Im not stupid. I have information you want." He snarled, scoffing slightly in the process.
A short sarcastic laugh escapes my lips as i lean forward, taunting him, teasing his idiocy while i have the chance "information huh? What information could i possibly want from you villain?

'Information on things like... touya todoroki"

Dabi pov

I can see his cocky facade drop almost instantly, a sly smirk making its way to my lips, "not so stupid now huh keigo."
"How do you know about him..?" His voice is now quiet and serious, no longer holding the energy it had mere moments ago.

I stand from my seat and move to crouch infront of him, twirling the stolen feather as i did before. "I know more than you think pigeon."
He squinted at me suspiciously, examining my small movements, not knowing whether to respond or keep quiet. After a moment or two, he finally spoke solemnly...

"This doesnt mean i trust you now."

Authors note
Finally updated!! I have a new keyboard so writing will be a lot easier now, thanks for reading!

503 words

Freedom- DabixhawksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora